Friday, August 23, 2024

Don't Let a Few Crisp Mornings Fool You!

Just in time for all the visitors to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention and the start of most schools in the area, we've had a week of blue skies, cool mornings, and best of all--low humidity.  But as someone who has spent most of my life here, I knew summer wasn't over!  

Next week our temperatures will be in the high 90F (aka mid 30C), yuck. Since I've been recuperating from the dental surgery, I haven't been able to run, and now I will need to be smart and not try to get back in the running groove when it's a thousand degrees outside.

Fans of Fall, we can turn on the air and try to carry on making soup and chili, but the weather isn't cooperating! I will focus on finishing a book set in the fictional town of Nightmare, Arizona. 

We have a fun new phenomenon in our area, local booksellers are teaming up with craft breweries for adult book fairs.  As a kid who loved book fair day, the chance to peruse books with a tasty beverage in my hand is a dream come true. I love this trend and I hope it continues!  

How about you? Did you love the school book fairs? Have you seen any adult book fairs in your area?


Carla Loves to Read said...

We had cooler temperatures for a week or so, but hot is back and I love it. More days in the pool. I'm not ready for fall yet. Give me 3 more weeks. I loved books fairs, as a parent, I always gave my kids money to buy books and I ran them when I was the teacher/librarian. Who doesn't love buying books? Have a lovely week Victoria.

Northwoman said...

I'm ready for fall. I do some seasonal reading, especially in pulling themes for my freebies like National Parks in the summer and spooky themes in October and holiday themes for December.

Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post