Me and the Man have been gardening by day. Last weekend it was cloudy and the temps didn't get above 55, and this weekend we are in the 90s! Look, one thing Chicago weather can be counted on for is its unpredictability. This however is beyond the typical fluctuations.
I hope my plants aren't too upset about being planted in this heat. Some people think you can communicate with plants, I don't see any harm in talking to them so if you seem me mumbling in the garden , I'm just trying to raise happy plants. I haven't had a backyard garden in eight years, so I want generous plants that provide us with tasty yields of cherry tomatoes, squash, and orange heirloom peppers.
On writing, I am closing in on a scene that will take place in a local library. I need to go visit the library so I can refresh myself with the layout and general vibe. However, I don't see myself making it over there until next Friday at the soonest. What I have decided is the best course of action for me is to keep writing daily and not wait until I actually go the library. I can add in details and switch things around as necessary after my visit. Otherwise, I'll use my upcoming library field trip as an excuse to skip writing for the next week. I'm quickly learning writing is much easier if I write something, anything daily, versus saving up until that magic moment when I have "extra time". I know myself well enough to understand that I am incredibly good at finding other things I *must* do instead of writing!
Happy Tuesday!