This is book number six in Stella Bixby's Magical Mane Mystery series. This series is a witch-focused paranormal cozy series, so if you like magical cozies that are short and reasonably priced, this is a series for you!
Aside from the whole murder thing, spending time in Cliff Haven is always fun. This time around Ellie is in the running for Mayor of a Day and it is a killer competition--pun intended! Ellie is learning to control her magic, which is wonderful, her fake dad is still looking to get married. I am still holding out hope that in a strange twist we will learn that fake dad is Ellie's real dad.
I'm still holding out hope that one day we will learn Xander's whole story and that Ellie and Xander will become a couple--but maybe my hopes are misplaced.
There is a big reveal in this book so if you've been reading this series, I think you'll be pleased with one of the relevations. Oh wait, there are actually two big revelations that are pleasing!
A fun escape from my daily life! Thank you for an ARC of this book Stella Bixby!