Sunday, October 15, 2023
Fiction Taking Place During Covid. - Well It Is in the Horror Genre
Saturday, December 25, 2021
#TheSundayPost Another Christmas Is In The Books-One We Won't Forget!
The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
How was your Christmas? One of the things I enjoyed this holiday season was the podcast Christmas Countdown Show. The show is a fun escape for people like me who really enjoy Christmas Time. Eric and Danny the hosts talked about their favorite Christmas movies, music, TV shows, foods, and more.
Our Christmas took a turn when youngest child tested positive for Covid. Early in the week one of her best friends tested positive, and so our daughter tested negative for a few days, but then on Christmas Eve, she got a bad present--a positive Covid test. Because we knew she had been exposed, she'd been quarantining since Tuesday night in her room. She had a cough but we had all been hoping it was a cold. Thank goodness we were able to quarantine her before she had that positive test. If we hadn't we might all have Covid now-- and could have exposed other people
And so we facedtime her in the morning for the present opening. We have the windows cracked and she has a designated bathroom and paper plates and plastic wear and lot of water and other fluids. The bummer of it all is that she got her booster shot last Friday and within a couple days she was exposed via someone who caught Covid from someone else who wasn't vaccinated--the booster didn't have time to boost! The rest of us got our booster shot in November--she didn't because they weren't available to 16-17 year olds.
So far everyone else is Covid free and hopefully the isolation and the booster works and on New Years Eve we can celebrate the end of her isolation together.
How was your Christmas? I hope you had a nice one!
Bowie with his Christmas Even Present!
Saturday, August 14, 2021
#TheSundayPost #I'mBack!
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
I'm Anti Invasive Anything! Gardening and Post Cancer Treatment Life #PTSD #BCSM
Today I was in my garden, which is tiny but the plants are thriving; so much so that my cucumber plant is now encroaching on my flowering red bell pepper plant. This morning I was checking the garden plants for nefarious invaders and I found cabbage worms! Picture me looking at my cauliflower plant above, seeing all the holes, and frowning. Then I look closely at the leaves and bam! A green worm! On my leaf! First of all, this is why I don’t plant cruciferous vegetables, and second of all, how dare invasive disease attack my garden!
Cue my outsized stress reaction to the garden pests. Yes, cancer trauma here we go again. First I put on some gloves, then I went inside and got a plastic knife, and then I eradicated the worms. I serial-killed five of them, and I think there were either eggs or poop down on the budding leaves so I scrapped that off the plant. I’m glad I only have one plant. I don’t know that I will be planting cauliflower in the future, I don’t like murdering bugs almost as much as I don’t like, cue my waving my hands around, another reason to have some PTSD.
After I killed the worms I found, I did a google search to find out if there was anything I could do to not have cabbage worms. First I learned that it’s supposed to be too early in the season for the worms and second I learned that if I put down diatomaceous earth that might help.
Tricky how trauma can creep up on a person. Imagine what it will be like for people of this earth over the next decade given all the trauma the pandemic inflicted. We are going to see so many different ways people try and cope--and plenty of that will be bad. It's a fine time as any to try to be kind because you don't know what people are dealing with when you run into them.
Last thought for this post, later this afternoon, after I had reflected on invasive disease in my garden is just too on the nose a metaphor for the stress of cancer treatment,
I decided if I find more worms I'm going to scoop them up and then put them out for the plentiful birds in my backyard to eat!How the Garden Started...
Saturday, April 17, 2021
#TheSundayPost We Are Halfway There!
Saturday, January 23, 2021
#TheSundayPost #Giveaways #Book, #BlueApron
Coming up this last week of January I will be -
*Reviewing Visions of Heat for the Read-Along I'm doing via the COYER Challenge
*Reviewing Killer Chardonnay our January Book for the Cozy Mystery Book Club
*Talking about Valentine's Day and other days of note in February!
How about you? Tell me one good thing that has happened to you this week!
Saturday, September 12, 2020
They Don't Tell You Having Cancer Never Ends
First and foremost, nothing changed!!! Nothing is more wonderful than hearing your scan was unremarkable! That means the initial couple of weird things found in scan 1 and seen on the PET scan were due to changes from radiation. I hear that many people have cancer treatment and go merrily on their way, no follow up scans necessary. I, however, get extra close treatment because I'm BRCA-2.
On the one hand, I'm grateful to have close follow up in that if anything showed up, then it would be smaller and able to be treated faster. On the other hand, scans cause major anxiety for many cancer peeps, like me. It's a very stressful time that brings back all the worries of when you first found out you had cancer and all the worry that this scan is going to say the cancer is back and spreading. That's what no one tells you, once you have cancer, you can never go back to not having had cancer. The only way you know that you have "beat" (and I do not like that term) cancer is if you die of another cause. Otherwise you just never know what the future holds for you.
The key is to figure out how to balance having very valid worries and living life. That's one tough key. Because of the COVID-19 virus, many people now know more about living with uncertainty. So welcome to my world, it's a bummer to be here. Let's hope there is a great vaccine for COVID-19 soon and some amazing new treatments in the world of cancer that turn advanced cancer into a treatable disease that doesn't shorten lifespans.
Below is a review of a fun book. Books are a great escape when life is filled with uncertainty. I like mysteries and romances because I know the killers will be brought to justice and the lovers will get their happily ever afters. When life is uncertain, stories can give you certainty!
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The second installment in this series and both Sophie and I made a very silly mistake. My mistake was reading this book while hungry. Oh my goodness Krista Davis is masterful at writing about food preparation. I wanted to eat the book! And it doesn't end there, the book is also full of discussion on how to set a table for festive events.
Sophie's mistake, I'm not going to spoil that for you. Suffice it to say, she overlooks a really obvious clue--but that is understandable, she has a lot going on! I enjoyed the wedding backdrop for this story. I missed June and the Colonel--and Francie! I do not know why Humphrey is the way he is but I hope he finds what he is looking for!
This book just keeps me turning pages. Oh by the way I loved that in the advice columns Krista Davis includes links to actual websites. Too funny. My only complaint is that Sophie doesn't stand up for herself more when she is dealing with Natasha, her mom, or Hannah.
You can read this as a stand-alone, but book 1 "The Diva Runs Out of Thyme" is very enjoyable so add that to your TBR!
View all my reviews
Friday, July 17, 2020
Flash Fiction
Last week's class was about Flash Fiction. Flash Fiction are very short stories. Think less than two pages. Think less than one page. Overall, as the Hubs would say, it's not my cup of tea. I was at a bit of loss, my nature is to overwrite. I feel that I don't have something important enough to say in a small space. That sounds so odd, right? One would think it would be easier to just throw down a few hundred words and be done, not for me. Honestly, my inability to write Flash Fiction is 98 percent due to not wanting to write super-short fiction.
Flash forward to today, pun--most defiinitely--intended, my run provide inspiration for a piece.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Today is a Weird Day
Monday, April 13, 2020
Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
Made some potato salad today and since I have a bunch of parsley in the fridge, I went a little garnish crazy. Tomorrow I have a plan for dinner - it's called Taco Tuesday. I'm trying to stick to an intermittent fasting schedule of eating from 10am-6pm daily. It's easy to do since I am at home. If I am working downtown I can't get home in time to start making dinner before six.
Since the teenagers stay up till all hours of the night my Early Bird Dinner Specials are more like their lunch!
Hopefully the wind dies down more overnight and tomorrow it is as beautiful and sunny as today, w/o a wind blasting from the West.
Tomorrow night I am going to get out of my comfort zone and join a Zoom workout for runners, so that will be ...interesting.
Friday, April 10, 2020
What in Tarnation?
I'm not too worried. A- plenty of other things to worry about and B- Chicagoland forecasts changed every hour on the hour so who knows!
Today was blustery and I was kind of slow, but I was able to run 4.5 miles and for that I am happy.
I took a picture at a local nursery here-
And then yesterday I took a photo from our front yard.
Weeds you say? Ah pshaw, I say they are flowers I don't have to maintain. Plus according to The Guardian: