Showing posts with label #youngadults. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #youngadults. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Yolk by Mary H. K. Choi

This is the first book I have read by Mary H.K. Choi. I borrowed the book in part because there is a restaurant in Chicago called Yolk that has a fantastic brunch. I've never eaten there because the wait was always too long when I was downtown. This book is partly based on Mary H.K. Choi's personal life. I have no idea what parts are fiction and what parts are reality. It doesn't really matter.  What matters is that this is an excellent book worth reading --or listening to, which is what I did.

The story is told from Janye's perspective. TW, Janye has an eating disorder. At one point there is a long and detailed binging and purging scene, so bear this in mind if it's something you need to avoid.  Janye is a college student in NYC, though it was unclear to me if she was actually attending school or not during the time frame of this book. She is 19 and she is making terrible decisions over and over again throughout much of the book, but there is growth if you stick with it. The book focuses on the relationship between Jayne (the spare) and June (the heir). I don't have a sister so I don't know how accurate this portrayal of sisters is to real life, but gosh I was really rooting for them. 

This book deals with heavy themes so it's a good book for when you want to feel and think and aren't feeling low yourself.

4 stars