Showing posts with label #lauramoher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #lauramoher. Show all posts

Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Sunday Post - Good Reads and No More Boot


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

After a total of seven weeks, I was finally able to go for a little run yesterday. I am going to be careful moving forward and run for fewer days so that I don't wind up with a stress injury again. This week is Patrick's birthday, it is very hard to believe he is already 23. Seems like a few minutes ago he was ten. We are going to a Star Wars Trivia night on his birthday and then as a family once Anna is home next weekend we are going to one of those watch "a movie and eat dinner" places to see Guardians of the Galaxy Three.  So a fun week!  By Friday, we will only have 17 more days of school left. 

The school kids all have spring fever so they are pretty rambunctious during lunch, but that's understandable we are all excited to enjoy the lazy, hazy days of summer! 

How was your week?  Below are the books I'll be blogging about this week- 

Reading this for the Readalong

Got this as an Amazon First Read

This one was from Net Galley

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I Need 8 Days in a Week to Read All These Books-

I don't have a review today because I spent most of my free time the past few days watching Alchemy of Souls on Netflix. It is a very good show- I recommend it if you like fantasy with romantic elements. I am almost done listening to: 

In The Possibility of Life,  Jaime Green ties in discussion of how the universe works through a lens of science fiction, so she talks about Star Trek,  as well as Darwin and books such as The Golden Compass.  I will talk about that more later. 

Additionally, I picked up Charlie Donlea's latest release which was  on hold at my library:

And then I have two romances on Net Galley:

And then a friend recommended Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score and that looks amazing so I had to download it to read.
I am very tempted to read more and sleep less. I love that my current 'problem' is so many good books I get to read! Living the dream!  I am also working on the prep work to do my own writing. I have been reading and doing the homework assignments in the book Romance the Brand by Zoe York. This book is a guidebook on how to create not just one romance book but build a series of books that people will want to read. That is what I love about romance books, most of the time if you like a book, you get to read more happily-ever-afters in the same universe, and all the side characters get their day in the sun. Currently, I'm making a map of my imaginary town.  It will have a train station because I love a town with a train station. But enough talking, I've go to get back to reading!