Thursday, August 29, 2024

Are You A Mood Reader? Is It Time for Fall Books?

 I, of course, have started reading fall books. The latest book I've gotten my paws on is Haunted to Death by Frank Polito. When it comes to fall books what are your must haves?  Here are some things I love to see in a fall book:

A fall festival!

Fall food or beverage talk, especially if it involves pumpkins and apples!

References to leaves falling or chilly nights!

Kids or pets or really anyone in costume!

Hints of magic! 

Would you agree with this list or is there something different that gives you all the cozy fall reading vibes?

Covers that have hints of fall are also always appreciated by me if it is a physical book! My love of the fall season is why my first book takes place in October. 

And lucky for me, this week I'm starting to write my next book which will take place a year after the first book. This time around my main character is Donnie. He owns a bakery that is also a bookstore. Can you imagine?  How amazing would that be? He doesn't realize it but he's about to find love! 

If you are in the USA, I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! I'll be writing and reading, and I'm planning to take some time to go to a craft market at a local brewery! 

1 comment:

Literary Feline said...

Haunted to Death sounds like a fun read! I love books with the fall vibe any time of year as it's one of my favorite seasons, but they are especially appealing this time of year. :-)