Showing posts with label #abunchofbrothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #abunchofbrothers. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Is a Bunch of Brothers A Micro Trope?

 One thing it's safe to say about romance readers is that we demand a HEA (or HFN) and we love our tropes! I enjoy when the woman is grumpy and the man is full of sunshine. I love found family. And when it's a romantic fantasy AKA romantasy these days, then I love enemies to lovers.  

Recently I read Buttercup and the Beard a spicy small-town romance that takes place in the mountains and introduces a character (the Beard in the title) who has 5 handsome burly brothers. The book got me to thinking, is that a micro trope?  I say yes. What do you think?

Buttercup and the Beard  is a novella and is the first book in the Everette Series by Alina Lane. Here is a link to the book on Amazon: Buttercup and the Beard.  Alina Lane has a unique and fun voice to her writing, if you check out the series let me know what you think! The first book has our couple snowed in and...opps there's only one bed! 

I found this book to be a nice easy read, and I did keep turning the pages because even thought I knew, I knew our couple was going to have a HEA, I had to know how they were going to get there! 

4 Stars!

Next week I'm going to be at the Chicago North Romance Writers Spring Fling Conference. I'm very excited! My first conference! I'm volunteering, I've got a list of presentations I'm planning to attend, and I'm one of the signing authors! If you are in Chicagoland you can come to the free signing on Saturday!  Look at all the amazing authors whose company I'll be in!