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Okay let's talk about Destined for an Early Grave!
I didn't like about 70% of this book.
For chunks of this book, I was so annoyed by Bones and Cat, they were being so ridiculous. Part of it was the lack of communication, I'm not much of a fan of when our main characters have major problems resulting from one or the other not talking something out. For me, I also don't enjoy reading Cat and Bones literally beathing the shit out of each other as foreplay. Also, it was so annoying that Cat assumed Bones was having sex with a ton of people in New Orleans when just a couple books ago he went years without sex when she left him and went with Don.
And speaking of Don, Cat is going to feel really bad when she finds out he is dying from cancer and she was to afraid to talk to him. The irony of a half breed vampire being so conflict avoident. And speaking of the secret government agency group, overall, as a reader I am confused (This is definitely a me problem, not a reflection of Jeanine Frost's writing) about who I should care about in this series when it comes to secondary characters. We had a couple of books where Cat's goverenment crew was central and we started to get to know them, but now they are mostly missing from this book. Will that continue? Are we supposed to now learn to care about the vampires and ghouls, is Cat's life now just about fully vampire world? I struggle with as you can see. I mean I like Vlad and more of him is great, but what about the ghoul Liza, am I supposed to care about her? Will she be back or is she basically a red shirt like the random members of Bones' crew --Band Aid and Hopscotch in this book.
While I am getting tired of everyone wanting Cat, I did enjoy Gregor, he was a great villian.
Tate showed up in the book at the 49% point, just went I was remarking to myself that it was great not having him in the book. Ugh. You know how I feel about him!
Fingers Crossed!
Fortunately for me, things finally took a turn around the 75% mark of the book and Bones and Cat finally had a conversation and got on the same page. Amen! I am pleased to see that Cat's conversion is wonky that will make for good storytelling, as well as the twist for Justina. I hope the next time I'm reading about Cat and Bones that the stoy doesn't focus on someone once again trying to covet Cat. I hope this time there is a different sort of big bad that they have to defeat.
Next in the series we are reading First Drop of Crimson which features Cat's friend Denise. I'm looking forward to a different POV in this series!