Showing posts with label #thispodcastwillkillyou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #thispodcastwillkillyou. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Let's Talk About Not Being in the Mood

I'm not in the mood to write; but, I figure the act of writing works like eight out of ten times when I run.  If I just start doing it, and stop thinking about doing it, then I'll be in the swing of it in no time.

So here I am! Today I've been listening to Harriet the Spy as my selection as a classic children's book for the 20 in 20 book challenge. Come to find out, Harriet the Spy was an oft banned book. Why?  Apparently a book about a child spying on adults and taking notes about grown ups set a bad example for kids.  The book is slightly older than The Hubs, so pretty, pretty old. (1964)

I have to admit they might have been on to something. When I was a kid and read the books, I wanted to *be* Harriet. These days if I had to pick a career related to spying, I'd go with private investigator.  That being said all my experience watching PI shows on TV leads me to conclude private investigating looks like a lot of sitting in cars and almost getting yourself killed. I guess I will stick to my day job. Lots of sitting at a desk, but none of that almost getting myself killed.

Speaking of  mortality, Coronavirus is closing down events and canceling trips.  Being selfish I think the following thoughts:

1. It's really BS that I finish like 9 months of cancer treatments and then now that I am ready to go out and do stuff, it's not a good idea to go out and do stuff!

2. I hope this is all sorted so Anna can go on her Band Trip and BMO gets to do all the end of the year senior stuff.

3. Back to me, it's 2020- it's  a big birthday year for me, what the heck with a pandemic! I did not ask for a pandemic this is supposed to be *my* year!   *me shaking my fist at the sky* 

Oh well what can you do? 

Don't forget to wash your hands! 

Speaking of viruses, if you'd like to expand your knowledge of all things bacterial and virus check out This Podcast Will Kill You

Happy March 10th!