Showing posts with label #summerweather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #summerweather. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

#AudioBook Challenge! A Thriller with an Unreliable Narrator for a Humid week in June!

 We have some thunderstormy, cloudy, humidity-filled weather this week, and I was looking for something to listen to as I go about my day.  I saw that this was available via the Libby App from my library system so I borrowed it.  It's on the shorter side, which worked for me. I listen to it at 1.65 speed.  I found the reader to be engaging, his name is George Newbern.  

If you don't like audiobooks, I would still consider picking this one up, it's a good travel book if you have a vacation planned and are going to be sitting in an airport or in a car, or on a train, this will make the time fly. 

This was my first time reading a book by Lisa Scottoline. It turns out she has had over 30 books published so I was really late to learn about this author! 

Great smelling tree on my run!  
* * * * *
I was hoping to have a full review of the book ready today, but yesterday I spent 8 hours in line outside the local department of motor vehicles with Youngest Child.  In the hot sun, standing in line waiting and waiting for her to be able to take her road test. We arrived at the location when it opened and the line was already hundreds deep and blocks long.  No bathroom, no water, and worst of all, no headphones.

Wait, I take that back, the worst of all was after standing in the sun all day, the instructor failed Youngest Child.  I felt terrible and also was so dehydrated I don't think my tear ducts worked anymore. I think the failure was due to nerves, hours, and hours waiting.  When we go back for the second time around, I have high hopes Youngest Child will pass, the irony is, of everyone in our household she's had the most on-the-road experience prior to taking the test. 

It really stinks for her, and yet, it is when we have failures that we have growth.  Additionally, I  know when she gets her license it is going to be that much sweeter. For my part, I think I did an excellent job shutting up and letting her vent and feel her feelings.  I know she didn't want to hear platitudes or examples of how things could be worse. 

Now today, I have my headphones charged and ready to go and listen to more of One Perfect Lie which is a solid thriller so far, the main character is so terrible. I don't know yet if I will be getting another POV or if this entire book will be told from the villain's perspective! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Advice You Didn't Ask For!

Hi All,
I hope you are having a good Wednesday.  We are home and knock on wood-virus free. I only leave the house to go run, and when I run, I run away from people.  I also take pictures (see below).

Also, here is my advice you didn't ask for...

Boring, but free ways to not gain weight during a pandemic:

1. Weigh yourself every morning.
2. Don't eat after dinner.
3. Drink water, not booze.

See I warned you, boring free, but effective! 

Today in my neck of the woods the weather is on loan from Summer. We have to give it back tomorrow, but in the meantime,  it is the perfect afternoon to sit outside on your porch, balcony or patio.  With a nice glass of water. LOL

 Here we have the free mulch pile my city has for residents ...

A great sign I saw in front of a house in Worth, IL 

It's a really unusual time (understatement of the year) but I thought maybe I will try to blog a couple times a week, hopefully with lighthearted content! So this is my plan going forward in the land of quarantine.

#Stayhome #Stayhealthy