Showing posts with label #startrek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #startrek. Show all posts

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Possibility of Life, Are We Alone Out Here Or?

If you read or watch and enjoy Sci-Fi in any form, I recommend reading or listening to this book. Jaime Green approaches the big questions of our existence and whether or not we are alone as a scientist who loves to read. The book is filled with what we know from science and how that informs our stories of the possibility of life. If you find non-fiction to be 'dry' give this book a try and I think you'll find it fascinating. I am giving it 5 stars because it will stick with me for quite some time and because she talks about some books that I will now seek out and read. 

Here is what it says on Goodreads about this book:

In The Possibility of Life, acclaimed science journalist Jaime Green traces the history of our understanding, from the days of Galileo and Copernicus up through to our contemporary quest for exoplanets in the "Goldilocks zone," where life akin to ours on Earth might exist. Along the way, she interweaves insights from a long-standing tradition of science fiction writers who use the power of imagination to extrapolate and construct worlds that in turn inspire scientists.

Weaving in expert interviews, cutting-edge astronomy research, philosophical inquiry, and pop culture touchstones ranging from A Wrinkle in Time to Star Trek to AvatarThe Possibility of Life explores our evolving conception of the cosmos to ask an even deeper question: What does it mean to be human?