This book was my book club's pick for January. The theme was self-improvement. I listen to the audio version of this book. This book is part memoir and part life-improvement tips. The book is written by the author who is now in her late 30s about when she was in her mid-to-late 20s.
I listened to the audio of the book which is read by the author. Her parents, for lack of a better phrase, really sucked. Not a physical abuse, but they were not kind to her. This book is mostly about her working through her upbringing. Fortunately for her, she was raised in a home that had more money than many and parents whose professional connections were of benefit to their daughter.
Overall, I would say that the self-help parts of the book could be of benefit and resonate with women in their later twenties who are looking for ways to help get out of their own way. Could be a nice gift for someone graduating high school or college.
Do you like self-help books? The author in this book references The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I got that book back in the early 1990s and I enjoyed it -- back then I was in my 20s. Are self-help books best read in your 20s? What do you think?