Showing posts with label #newbooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #newbooks. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Presidents Day Today, Paczki Day Tomorrow and #BloodHeir by Ilona Andrews

 Should you feel like celebrating Presidents' Day, I suggest a viewing of Hamilton on Disney Plus--that is if you enjoy a good musical.  Or you could one of the many, many biographies of our many presidents, OR you could dive into President Obama's biography. Since President Obama's biography which is a part one biography, is over 700 pages, if I read it I'm thinking I'll do the audio.  I like his voice. When I was a kid we would sometimes have cherry pie for Presidents' Day because of the old legend that Washington was asked if he chopped down a cherry tree and he said he couldn't lie and admitted he chopped down the cherry tree. 

These days there will be no pies on Presidents' Day, but this year the day after is Fat Tuesday and that means Paczkis!  Basically, Paczkis are Polish jelly or custard-filled donuts.  Interestingly, according to the internet while we here in Chicagoland call the day before Ash Wednesday Paczki day, in Poland Paczki day is Fat Thursday (the last Thursday before Ash Wednesday).  Moving forward I'm going to try and have a Paczki week. I like the raspberry-filled the best.  Custard filled dough of any kind is not my thing. 


Today's book review is for a new book from the husband and wife writing team known as Ilona Andrews. Blood Heir is a new book in a familiar world. Julie, who got to know previously is now a grownup- with a new face and a new name, Aurelia Ryder. 

She's finally home, but if she visits her family, they will die. We are in a very new territory. This book can be read on its own.  If you have not read the Kate Daniels series, you can enjoy all those books after this one, as you wait for the next book in this new series. As a reader who comes to this book after years of enjoying the Kate Daniels series, my reading of Blood Heir is enriched as someone who has spent time in Ilona Andrews' post-shift world.  

The book is filled with ancient mythology and failed technology.  Aurelia holds her own against very powerful foes and we learn a little bit about her old crush, who is now a very different kind of Wolf. The transformation of Derek is as big as the transformation of Julie and I am really looking forward to what happens next.  

The first time she was called Knight Ryder I chuckled and then later in the book I see this exchange. So Night Ridger existed in this world too! 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Last Week of October is Already Here! Witches! Warlocks!

 Halloween is coming up this Saturday and then a week from today the time changes and we will be in the dark until March.  As you know by now, I am always in the mood to curl up with a good book, and what better time to read about witches and warlocks than now as the temps drop and the nights start before dinner is on the table.   Below is a review of a book I can say is one of the best new books this year. If you enjoy contemporary fantasy or paranormal books. You have to get this book because you are going to love it. 

White Trash Warlock (The Adam Binder Novels Book 1)White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished this book a few days ago and I find myself thinking about the story at random moments like when I am washing the dishes. I'm thinking about how I was not surprised about one part of a major plot reveal because it was so very well foreshadowed so I knew something was up, but when the whole truth comes out, it's so much deeper and more impactful.

This book is in the top five of all books I have read this year. It's a great ride and I highly recommend it. David Slayton does such a beautiful job of giving us a cohesive world that spans several dimensions and in those worlds, David gives us just the right amount of fully drawn characters. I cannot wait to read what happens next.

One last thing, I really really like the love triangle. It's there, but it isn't overwhelmingly angsty.

View all my reviews

Are you decorated?  Here is a picture of my kitchen area coffee station all decked out for All Hallow's Eve! 

Happy Haunting!