Showing posts with label #sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #sharing. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Before This New Year Gets Away From Me, Let Me Share My Bookish Resolutions!

 I'm joining Because Reading's Bookish Resolutions Challenge for 2023. You can still join via this link. 

You pick what you are resolved to do in 2023 as far as books go.  Here are the rules that Berls and Michelle put together:


  1. Create between 5 or more resolutions related to books/book blogging/writing (there are examples below but you can make up your own)(you can have as many resolutions as you would like, there is no limit) 
  2. Create a signup post and add it to the Linky on this post (sign up before Feb 28th)
  3. Since this is a year-long challenge we ask that you pick goals with some longevity. Pick a goal that will take you no less than 6 months to complete.
  4. Once your goals are set you cannot change them.
  5. Three times a year we will have an update to see how you are doing. March 1st, June 1st, and September 1st. The last update will be the wrap-up post.
  6. For each goal you complete, you get one entry into the giveaway that will be in our wrap-up post on December 31, 2023
 I've tried to make my goals for the year simple for me so that I am able to stay on track. 
Resolution  1:  Read/Listen to one non-fiction book each month (this is done for January, yay!) 
Resolution 2:   Read 60 books in 2023
Resolution 3:  Read and review 1-2 Netgalley books each month
Resolution 4:  Post all my reviews on Goodreads, not just here--
Resolution 5: Go to at least one book signing in 2023 (In Person) 

Okay that's all I am ready to hold myself accountable for 2023. I think these resolutions are manageable and fun- 
How about you? Any Bookish Resolutions for 2023? 