Showing posts with label #indieromance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #indieromance. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Really Not How You Want To Kick Off The New Year


Yes, I'm heading over to the funeral home with my husband today to go over a few details for his Mom's funeral. Hopefully, this will be the only funeral we will have occasion to attend this year. My mother-in-law was adamant that there be no wake. We will just have the funeral at the church and then a luncheon.
I didn't think too much of the no-wake situation at the time she decided it, but now that we are in the midst of the preparations, I'm grateful! She has made her send-off so much easier on everyone mourning her. While it is sad, I know that her family will have plenty of smiles and laughs when we celebrate her in a little over a week. We should all be lucky to live into our nineties without needing help until the very end. 

This month I'm participating in a JaNoWriMo. (January Novel Writing Month) My goal is to write thirty thousand words. What they are going to be about is up in the air. I have some vague ideas about my next book, but I don't have an outline put together. I usually start my writing process by brainstorming ideas with someone, so this time I will start by brainstorming in a document. Wish me luck! 

I hope your year is off to a funeral-free start! 

Monday, December 30, 2024

It's Official I Have a Website!


Once we returned from our trip down South, the hubs made a spiral ham. We had leftovers and I decided to make a quiche. When pie crusts are on sale, buy some. They come two in a package so I keep one set in the freezer and I'm ready when the opportunity to turn leftovers into a fancy and easy to make quiche presents itself!

As you may have noticed today is the last day of 2024. It's been quite the year. I'm ending on a high note by having my author website up and running. Want to see it?  Here it is:

As part of my new website, I have a blog. I don't know that I can integrate this blog there, but for now, I have my header from here on my website. My new website is built off WordPress, so I think if I want to put posts from here on it I'll have to cut and paste?  This is all above my paid grade and I'm the sole employee of my author business!

I'm cruising my way through The Beast Takes a Bride. It's so good! I'm a sucker for a Darcy-esque hero and Magnus is so Darcy! All his problems are the result of his wounded pride! 

I'm treating myself to a facial today. I'm terrible at rewarding myself for accomplishing goals--but past me prepaid for future me to get a facial once It App-ened One Night was revised! 

I hope you have a wonderful last day of this year! 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

I've been sick the whole month so far! Rude! #TheSundayPost


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme  

I have spent this month with a miserable sinus infection. The worst is at night when I am coughing, coughing, coughing. It's still pretty bad but not as bad as last week, so I guess I'm getting better. I have done all the things you are supposed to do to alleviate symptoms. One problem I have is that I can't take any decongestant stuff because it causes me to have restless legs. 

The other day my No Gouda Without You author copies arrived and I've been exhausted and sick to do an unboxing video! A total bummer!

I didn't have the energy or attention span to read or blog. I did manage to work on writing my second book, that's about all I could manage. My manuscript is due to my editor on March 2nd, so that was my motivator. 

How are you doing? I hope you have not been sick!  My fingers and toes are crossed that I start feeling better each day this week. I've got books to share here and I'd like to have the energy to read! 

Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day!