Showing posts with label #romanceyourbrand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #romanceyourbrand. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I Need 8 Days in a Week to Read All These Books-

I don't have a review today because I spent most of my free time the past few days watching Alchemy of Souls on Netflix. It is a very good show- I recommend it if you like fantasy with romantic elements. I am almost done listening to: 

In The Possibility of Life,  Jaime Green ties in discussion of how the universe works through a lens of science fiction, so she talks about Star Trek,  as well as Darwin and books such as The Golden Compass.  I will talk about that more later. 

Additionally, I picked up Charlie Donlea's latest release which was  on hold at my library:

And then I have two romances on Net Galley:

And then a friend recommended Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score and that looks amazing so I had to download it to read.
I am very tempted to read more and sleep less. I love that my current 'problem' is so many good books I get to read! Living the dream!  I am also working on the prep work to do my own writing. I have been reading and doing the homework assignments in the book Romance the Brand by Zoe York. This book is a guidebook on how to create not just one romance book but build a series of books that people will want to read. That is what I love about romance books, most of the time if you like a book, you get to read more happily-ever-afters in the same universe, and all the side characters get their day in the sun. Currently, I'm making a map of my imaginary town.  It will have a train station because I love a town with a train station. But enough talking, I've go to get back to reading!