Showing posts with label #italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #italy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Villa by Rachel Hawkins


This week some of my library holds came through so I bumped down books I was planning to read so I could read these long-awaited books.  The Villa is by Rachel Hawkins who wrote the very, very popular thriller The Wife Upstairs.  I have not read that one, so if you think it is awesome comment below! I follow Rachel Hawkins on Twitter because she also writes fun witchy-rom-com books under the pen name Erin Sterling (ie. The Ex-Hex) 
This book held my attention, I listened to the narration which is very well done and I got some extra work done around the house because I needed to find out what happened! This book has two timelines with two sets of characters and the only throughline is "The Villa" in Italy.  I found this to be quite clever. The Villa contains some nice red herrings and a couple of plot twists. One of our main characters ends the story going from one albatross to another and I think that is what I liked the best. 
Even though this book is centered around The Villa, the story is very character driven. I don't even recall many of the details of the setting because the characters in the 1970s and 2022 are so interesting.

4 stars for this book. I could definitely see this as a Netflix or Hulu limited-time series of 6-10 episodes.