Showing posts with label #selfcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #selfcare. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sunday Post Mid February: The Joy of Doing Nothing


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. you can write about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.

Today I have a spot at a local brewery vendor market. My goal is to sell some books and to get a tarot card reading. I need to figure out a good question to ask for the reading. I'm feeling out of sorts for several reasons. One, I don't care for a non-elected person who has too much money screwing up our governmental agencies. Two, it's the time of year when I start getting really tired of the cold. Third, I have a medical test coming up--it's totally a surveillance thing, but still, any and all medical stuff up to and including dental appointments give me PTSD.  Call me, Crankypants. 

I'm glad I have a fun event to enjoy today and readers to meet! Monday I have the day off and my plan is to embrace the joy of doing nothing. Maybe I'll even take a long bubble bath?

How are you faring this week?

My orchid bloomed! Joy in the midst of winter!


Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Beast Takes a Bride by Julie Anne Long

I borrowed this book via the Libby app from my local library. I thought it was a book club selection for January. I was about sixty pages in when I realized it wasn't. This book is part of a longer series and you really don't need to read any of the other books to enjoy it.  I read it over four days and it held my interest even when my husband was watching the new Harlan Corben limited series on Netflix. It was also a good distraction from my itchy face.

Why was my face itchy?  A few years ago I had this goal to set aside money and get a chemical peel for myself for Christmas. But that didn't happen for a couple of years. Then I researched and found out I could get a less intense chemical peel for a lower cost at Massage Envy. Plus unlike my dermatologist, you can join the Massage Envy club and pay for one credit a month for your choice of facials or massages. 

In September, I promised myself I could get a facial once I finished drafting my book. Then I got busy and didn't do that--but on the plus side, I accrued credits and was able to use two to get the chemical peel I'd been promising myself for quite some time! I'm welcoming in the new year with a hopefully more luminous face once the itching subsides. It's not that bad, I'm being a little dramatic. 

The Beast Takes a Bride has some Beauty and The Beast vibes but not too much. Lots of pride getting in the way of love for our leads, which I enjoyed. It doesn't have a true third-act breakup, so if you like books without one, this would be a good one to add to your list. 

Next up I am going to read Vinyl Resting Place which is The Cozy Mystery Club book for January. I was pleasantly surprised to see it is available on KU. 

What are you reading to the start the new year?


Monday, December 30, 2024

It's Official I Have a Website!


Once we returned from our trip down South, the hubs made a spiral ham. We had leftovers and I decided to make a quiche. When pie crusts are on sale, buy some. They come two in a package so I keep one set in the freezer and I'm ready when the opportunity to turn leftovers into a fancy and easy to make quiche presents itself!

As you may have noticed today is the last day of 2024. It's been quite the year. I'm ending on a high note by having my author website up and running. Want to see it?  Here it is:

As part of my new website, I have a blog. I don't know that I can integrate this blog there, but for now, I have my header from here on my website. My new website is built off WordPress, so I think if I want to put posts from here on it I'll have to cut and paste?  This is all above my paid grade and I'm the sole employee of my author business!

I'm cruising my way through The Beast Takes a Bride. It's so good! I'm a sucker for a Darcy-esque hero and Magnus is so Darcy! All his problems are the result of his wounded pride! 

I'm treating myself to a facial today. I'm terrible at rewarding myself for accomplishing goals--but past me prepaid for future me to get a facial once It App-ened One Night was revised! 

I hope you have a wonderful last day of this year!