Showing posts with label #epistolary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #epistolary. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Bridgerton, Eloise suprises me!

 I was in no hurry to read Eloise's book. She is fairly annoying on the TV show and I didn't know what all her story could offer.  However, I was very pleasantly surprised by

this book.  Although I'm tired of romances featuring virgins, I found this book to be very enjoyable, I liked that Eloise and Phillip begin conversing via letters and that she shows up at his door basically unannounced. And then they have loads of time together alone-- scandalous!  And then just when they are getting to really know each other her family shows up.  So it's nice to have-- much like Benedict's book nearly the first half of the story without the larger Bridgerton family on the scene and then they swoop in and help the couple find their way.

I believe I liked this story because 1. Eloise is older than what we have seen on the show so far, so she is less annoying on the show because she is more mature, and 2. I like that Sir Phillip is a widow with a child--so he had depth. 

I am interested to see how this book will be shown on the big screen as Eloise's story has verged from what we see in the book significantly at this point. 

4 stars for To Sir Phillip, With Love  (now if this book has been written as an epistolary that would have made it a 5 in my book!)