Showing posts with label #may2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #may2021. Show all posts

Monday, May 3, 2021

Food Talk and Today's Cozy Review, Spotlight Scandal by Stella Bixby


About every six weeks, I'll treat myself to a couple of meals from Blue Apron. This past week was that week.  We got Pork & Marinated Cucumber Steam Buns which turned out to be completely delicious and now that I have made it and have the recipe, I am going to make it on my own in the future. It was so good I forgot to take a picture. The second meal I made was Steaks & Black Bean Butter Sauce. This meal was also very yummy.  The only thing was the kale became too wilted.  Weird. 

Now on to today's book review.  This book takes place near Christmas, so if you like holiday cozies, add this to your collection when it comes out May 11th, 2021, and then read it come December!  I might re-read it too!  I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I enjoy Stella Bixby's writing style so I am a member of her 'review crew' This book is the third book in the Magical Mane Series.  The books are novella length and lend themselves to fun weekend reading. 

I was very happy that Xander the warlock from book two has returned in this installation and that we get to meet Katie's daughter the actress Melody.  Additionally, Bonnie who seemed like a cold-hearted villain in book one has become a much more complicated and sympathetic character which I am happy to read. Maybe one day she will wind up with Jake? Or will Ellie's mom return and Jake and Emily will have their HEA.  I am going to keep reading and maybe we will find out! 

The book begins with Ellie not being able to say her one line in the Christmas play. We are left to wonder, will she get over her stage fright?  Why is she stuck on this sentence?  I liked the small mystery over Ellie saying the line, it compliments Ellie's struggle to feel like she is part of a family. (biologically or found)  
I think it works well to have Ellie as an unofficial consultant to the police department.  It makes sense to have her and Jake work together than to have Jake be a foil for Ellie.  Lastly, I have to say, I want to know more about Xander!  What's his deal!  Sigh, I'm going to have to wait and keep reading.  I'm confident the payoff will be worth it! 

4.25 stars to Spotlight Scandal!  Add this book to your Goodreads or order on Amazon it's out May11th! 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

#TheSundayPost Time to Embrace Those May Flowers


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

This year, to me, is a time when I feel as though the days are often long but the months are short. And in retrospect, this can definitely be said about my life as a Mom. Next Sunday is Mother's Day and also my oldest's 21st birthday. How did that happen?  It seems like five minutes ago it was 1999. As Ferris Beuller says: 

So my wish for everyone reading this, whenever you read this, is that you have a chance to stop and smell the roses! I'm planing to spend some of the first Sunday of May reading outside!  

*** What I'm Reviewing This Week***
This week I'll be sharing reviews of the upcoming release Spotlight Scandal by Stella Bixby. 

An upcoming cozy I got from #NetGalley, Ruby Red Herring by Tracy Gardner. 

And on Friday, I'll be sharing my thoughts on Branded By Fire for the Psy-Changeling Read-along Have you read this series?  It's so good! 

Hope you have a great week!  Any plans to stop and smell the roses or hop on a parade float? Comment Below! 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Cozy Review for Wednesday #ReservedforMurder from #NetGalley

 Before I share my review for Reserved for Murder by Victoria Gilbert, I must show you a picture of the breakfast muffins I made.  These muffins were supposed to be Blackberry Breakfast Muffins, but I didn't have blackberries, so I used blueberries.  I also added about 1/4 cup of chopped walnuts to the mix, which was a very good call on my part! The recipe is from the back of the book Color Me Murder by Krista Davis.  The muffins are 5 stars and I do recommend them! 

Now on to today's book review.  Reserved for Murder is the second book in the Booklovers B&B 

Gosh, I really enjoyed this book! The murder mystery not only involves an author, but it also involved fan fiction, Goodreads reviewing, and the pressure of publishing.  It was the most bookish of book mysteries I've read to date!   I also really enjoy how Victoria Gilbert weaves the real-life history of Beaufort into her series, from Blackbeard's sunken ship to the Olde Burying grounds--the actual town of Beaufort is seamlessly a part of her series. 

The murder mystery of the book is one that will keep you guessing, there are a handful of suspects that all could be the killer. The overarching mystery continues as we learn more about Charlotte's great-aunt, international woman of mystery, Isabella. 

I was happy to read about Charlotte's growing relationships with Alicia and Damian. Charlotte is slowly growing roots in the community and I want her to be surrounded by good friends, she deserves it. I think she also deserved love, so we will see if that develops as the series moves along.  Mind you, I don't need any sort of love triangle, but Charlotte is still young and written in such a way that you want her to find a partner to share her life.

Because this is the most bookish of book mysteries and because Victoria Gilbert integrates Beaufort, NC so well in her fiction, I rate this book a full 5 stars.  If you like a cozy read, you've gotta read this series.  The book will be out June 8th!  Add it to your Goodreads shelf here or ask your local library to order a copy! 

I received an ARC of this book from #NetGalley all the opinions are my own.  The text of the book might change a little before publishing so I don't have any quotes to share.  

#ReservedforMurder #NetGalley