Showing posts with label ali baba's tahini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ali baba's tahini. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Anniversaries and Birthdays and Weddings

Happy Belated Anniversary to my Parents! They got to celebrate this year in their scenic new hometown of Blairsville, GA. 

And Tomorrow is my Favorite Virgo's Bday! 

Oh Ah! Such a Handsome Viking Vampire!
Wait, I just remembered Tom is a Virgo...So Happy Birthday to my second favorite Virgo! 
Snap, our friend Rocci's bday makes him a Virgo too.

Alright, Happy Birthday To My Third Favorite Virgo! *chuckle*

Late Yesterday I received my Fall/Winter Catalogs and the first bottle of Wahoo! Chili I've had in two years.  I wept with joy.  While it is still August--and def. not Chili Weather, I couldn't help myself and I made Wahoo! Chili in the crockpot. :-D

What I did:
2 tbsp Onion Onion
2 tbsp wahoo chili
1 tsp Garlic Garlic
about 2/3 lb of ground beef cooked and drained
1/2 a big green bell pepper chopped
3 stalks celery chopped
1 28 oz can of stewed plum tomatoes, which I had to chop up b/cause I thought I had diced tomatoes and it turned out I sure didn't!

Put all that in the crockpot til dinner time.  Now I like my chili over macaroni noodles and I also love shredded cheddar cheese, but alas, there is no cheese in our house. 

There is no cheese, no wine and no chocolate.  I know!  How am I surviving?  Am I dieting?  Nope Just need to get to the grocery store.

Here it is simmering in the crockpot

As for Weddings, next Friday Tom and I are invited to an engagment party, downtown somewhere, with Club in the title of the place.  So we need to bring a gift, yes?  And what is a good engagement party gift?

Shameless Plug, by my Bro's album!