Showing posts with label work at home jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work at home jobs. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy 10th Anniversary w/Tastefully SImple Giveaway!

You heard it right! Not only is today Earth Day, it is my 10th Anniversary with Tastefully Simple. It seems as if I joined the company last week, then I think about all the great hosts I've had, the awesome team members who've joined my team, and the great trips I've been on and it does seem like 10 great years!

A little photo montage of my Tastefully Simple Life!

GoodTimes!  I'm looking forward to another 10 years!  Woot!  Soon I will have my first parties in  North Carolina and Georgia, heck I'm going to throw Tennessee in there too.

Now about you! On to my 10th Anniversary Giveaway!  Enter below and spread the word!  This giveaway is all funded and created by me, so thanks for taking time to read my blog and enter.  You are awesome.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I need to find a website devoted to catchy blog post titles.

Aside from setting aside the time to put together a blog post, the hardest thing for me is the damn title. Mostly I look at the blank title line and think: 'I got nothin'.  Today is no exception. Tomorrow we are going to get our taxes done, then off to open a new checking account because we have finally given TCF Bank the heave-ho.  I also need to get in a run, or in my case, more like a slow jog. Ideally, I will manage to carve out time to run 5 miles.  It seems that there is something else I need to go do tomorrow, but I am not able to recall at this point.

What I would like to do is sit around, watch a movie and have one of these.  As I said on facebook, this dessert is completely pinterest-worthy.

It's made up of : layers of chocolate pudding with Kahlua, vanilla pudding with Bailey’s Irish Cream, crushed Truffle Fudge Brownie bits and roasted almonds.

Even better than the above would be to hear that we'll be getting some money back on our taxes this year.  That would be lovely.  The Man is sure we will, but I am not convinced, it was a weird year.

He is working with an outplacement firm that specializes in helping corporate types such as he transition to a new job or career.  Today I suggested he try beekeeping.  It was a no go.  Though he did suggest that I could feel free to give beekeeping a go. Why beekeeping? Honestly, I don't know. I saw that the Cook County Farm Bureau is having an Intro to Beekeeping Class.  It sounds interesting. Then I can sell Honey right? I wonder how often beekeepers get stung.