Showing posts with label #thesecretbookandsconesociety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #thesecretbookandsconesociety. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Fabulous Cozy Series, The Secret, Book, & Scone Society-

 If you've read my blog at all, you know that cozy mysteries are a favorite genre of mine.  There are so many cozy series out there that you can find a cozy for anyone. Some series work for me and some aren't my cup of tea, that's what makes variety the spice of life!

This first book in a series worked for me.  I enjoy books with a group of people who connect and become friends, extra credit if they've been around the block and have been through some things.  So this group who deliberately decides to become friends by sharing the bad stuff in their past really hits the spot. Then you add in just a touch of magic by having the setting be a town where people go for healing, and you set the book in the Appalachian Mountains?  AND there is loads of baked goods talk--I'm IN!

This book puts together a great Scooby Doo mystery crew.  I thought Ellery Adams does an excellent job portraying Nora's struggle as someone who has been burned.  Burn recovery is a horribly painful process and I think that readers who have many types of chronic illness or have been in an accident or fire would relate to Nora's POV and feel represented. 

Also, there is a murder mystery--there is that too. Do I have any complaints?  I don't think I do, I often get annoyed when the cozy sleuth goes off and puts themselves in danger, but in this case, Nora doesn't go off alone. 

5 stars, excellent cozy!