
First of all...

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

American Girl by Wendy Walker - A Thriller!

At one point I moved my listening speed from 1.6 to 1.7 so I could get to whodoneit faster.  This was a great listen, a nice distraction from January cold when I was out for a run or walking the dog.  The main story is well told, you cannot help but root for Charlie who gets wrapped up in a murder when she is on the cusp of finishing high school and heading off to MIT.

Wendy Walker's takes us through present and past life in Sawyer, PA, a small town where everyone knows everyone and your high school years may never be far behind. Through the POV of Charlie, who is neurodivergent we get very nuanced portraits of the people around her and their motivations.  I especially enjoyed the layers of Charlie's Mom.

American Girl has a handful of subplots and they both serve the main narrative and also, they are resolved by the end of the book.  Knowing what happened to Charlie's Triple S friends was satisfying to read. 

This is an Audible Original and is free to members, if you have Audible I highly recommend downloading this book!

5 Stars! 


Carla Loves to Read said...

Sounds like a short, interesting listen. Nice review Victoria.

Berls said...

Always a good sign when you're so anxious to get to the end that you speed it up! Sounds like a great read and I have a temporary Audible membership so I may have to grab it! Great review :)