Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hit It and Quit It by Kelly Reynolds! Do I like Sports Romance Now?


I pre-ordered this book not because I'm a fan of sports romance, but because I enjoyed Kelly's steamy Christmas Novellas. This is the first book in her new steamy small-town baseball series and I'm looking forward to the next installment. This book features the curvy Clarke and the nearly over-the-hill third baseman, Soren. He's got a bad reputation and Clarke has left her ex-fiance and a stagnant life in South Carolina. Of course, Soren falls first, how could he not! Clarke is really the heart and soul of the story and it is fun to see her growth during the book She comes into her own and she finds not only her people but also her person. 

There are lots of side characters in this book and I look forward to reading more about many of them as the books in this series continue!
Five Stars to this home run of a first in series! 

How about you, do you enjoy sports romance? 

And here is a picture of my raspberry bush, I'm hoping it is going to flower? I'm not sure if those will be flowers or leaves? 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Happy Release Day for Too Kölsch For Comfort! The Second Book in the Steamy Marley Creek Romance Series!

 My second book is out today! If you like fake dating, couples that get snowed in, or when she can't stand him but he thinks she's the one who got away, check it out! 

As you can see I'm still slowly learning how to use Canva! Trying to make posts about my book is harder than writing, revising, and proofreading! 

I am thinking of hosting a little book release at my local craft brewery next month. What do you think? Have you gone to many book release or book signing events? 

Here is the scoop on Jasper and Zaina's story!

When Jasper makes Zaina a deal she can’t refuse, will she find herself with something more than money?

Zaina Evans told herself this was going to be her year. She’s done looking for a soulmate to share her life. She lives in a great small-town, has a successful business, she’s surrounded by wonderful friends and her mom is just a train ride away. Zaina has everything she needs and wants in life except for a baby. Now all she needs is funding to help pay for artificial insemination.
Jasper Kane is the handsome owner and head brewer of Hop’s Heaven Brewery. He’s only had time to promote his business and date a of string of beautiful women for the last five years. His goal to take his craft brewery nationwide consumes him. Maybe if his brewery had locations across America, his mother would finally take him seriously.
Then a video of Jasper and Zaina goes viral for its feel-good content, and a local TV show wants to do a live remote, but only if Zaina’s there too. This gives Jasper a fantastically devious idea. He can get loads of free publicity and tons of followers if Zaina agrees to fake date him to make social media content. But when they get stuck at the brewery during an ice storm, things stop being fake fast. Will they be able to get past their preconceived notions of the perfect life to find the love right in front of them?

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Sunday Post - Spring Fling Conference! Books, Books, and more Books!


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

I had the most wonderful time at the Chicago North Romance Writers Spring Fling! I attended all these wonderful craft sessions and some great marketing sessions as well. I got to meet Jen from the podcast Fated Mates! And if that wasn't enough there was a panel featuring the writer Kate Clayborn! 

Then on Saturday, I did my first book signing! And some people bought my book!  It was amazing. The room was filled with readers and authors. I loved seeing lots of moms and daughters picking up books together, that was great!. Saturday night there was a gala and our keynote speaker, Thee Beverly Jenkins gave an inspiring and wonderful speech. The night was capped off with dancing and I can now say I was on the dance floor with Beverly Jenkins and Brenda Jackson! 

I also stocked up on books!

So much good reading ahead!
How was your week? 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Taste of Summer


The last few days we've enjoyed summer weather. It's been bittersweet knowing the sun and the warm temperatures aren't here to stay. Tonight we'll be getting storms and then we'll be back to traditional April weather, mid-50s (low 10s if you do Celsius) and more rainy days. The trees are blooming and in a few weeks it will be May and I can start planting outside. 

Tomorrow I head up North for the Chicago North Romance Writer's Spring Fling. I'm excited and look forward to learning lots from the presentations, doing my best as a volunteer, and hopefully I'll exceed my goal to sell three books at the book signing. Yes three does sound like a very low goal but it's my first signing, and I've only written one book. 

Life has been busy, I swear I spend several hours a day cooking and doing laundry! I've been reading Kelly Reynold's new baseball romance Hit It and Quit It. I'd have it finished by now if I had more time to read!  So far, it is a delightful book and about as sporty as I get. My jam isn't sports romances, but I enjoy Kelly's writing and I like baseball better than most sports. 

Here is the tag line for the book: Bull Durham meets Ted Lasso (with a hint of the Savannah Bananas) in this opposites attract, baseball romcom set in smalltown Oregon.

How about you? Do you read sport romance?  Do you follow any sports? 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Last Night By Luane Rice and My Brother's Restuarant

 Happy Monday! In my neck of the woods, we are enjoying some summer weather! Today, I'm sharing a quick review of the recent release Last Night by Luane Rice. I picked up this book when it was free to me as a Prime First Read.  I chose Last Night because it said it was a domestic thriller. 

When I was deciding on my First Read, I didn't have my glasses on and I mistakenly thought the hotel on the cover was a government building, I thought domestic thriller meant it was a political thriller about a domestic issue.  I greatly enjoy political thrillers. Domestic thrillers are typically about romantic relationships gone bad and are fine but not what I seek out to read.

If you enjoy domestic thrillers, this book works as a stand-alone book. If you read it and enjoy it there are other books in the series. The book has child kidnapping, it's handled well, but child kidnapping is something I don't really want to read. 

Overall it's well-written, and has a positive conclusion and I rate it four stars because of those factors. If you enjoy domestic thrillers this is likely going to be a five-star review for you. If anyone has any recommendations for a political thriller, please let me know because I'm in the mood for one of those!

Recently, Anne of  Books Are My Heart, commented that she'd like to know more about my brother's restaurant. It's located in a tiny town right over the border of Georgia in Hayesville, North Carolina. It's called Epic Catering and Eatery. As the name implies they do catering in the area. The restaurant is open Wednesday through Sunday from ten a.m. to two p.m. and they do dinner several nights a week. You can follow them on Instagram to see all the delicious food pictures. It's very vegetarian and vegan-friendly. They are located two hours south of Asheville. Most of their food is locally sourced, for example their beef comes from a local farm. They also have a bar where local musicians play on the weekend. Don't plan to be on your phone if you go there, they don't have wi-fi! 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Exciting Happenings This Week! The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

Tonight I'm a guest host on the podcast Christmas Countdown! Exciting! I've been listening to the podcast since it started and now I get to be on an episode sharing my top five favorite (recent) Christmas movies!  Do you listen to podcasts?  If you like Christmas, you must check out the five-star goodness of Christmas Countdown! 

And then later this week I'll be attending the Chicago North Romance Writer's Spring Fling. I'm volunteering and I've been assigned to be a moderator for two different panels! I'm more nervous about that than the podcast. I don't want to mess up a panel! Fingers crossed that it goes smoothly! And then on Saturday, as I mentioned previously I'll be doing my first author signing. Amazing, it feels surreal! If you had told me a year ago I'd be writing a series of romance books, I wouldn't have believed you.

Speaking of books, I'm happy to share the cover for my second book in the Marley Creek Romance Series! 

Coming out 4//30/2024!  You can pre-order it now here: https://a.co/d/39I9z4x

Stay tuned for Tomorrow's blog where I will talk about my brother's North Carolina restaurant and the book Last Night by Luanne Rice. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Is a Bunch of Brothers A Micro Trope?

 One thing it's safe to say about romance readers is that we demand a HEA (or HFN) and we love our tropes! I enjoy when the woman is grumpy and the man is full of sunshine. I love found family. And when it's a romantic fantasy AKA romantasy these days, then I love enemies to lovers.  

Recently I read Buttercup and the Beard a spicy small-town romance that takes place in the mountains and introduces a character (the Beard in the title) who has 5 handsome burly brothers. The book got me to thinking, is that a micro trope?  I say yes. What do you think?

Buttercup and the Beard  is a novella and is the first book in the Everette Series by Alina Lane. Here is a link to the book on Amazon: Buttercup and the Beard.  Alina Lane has a unique and fun voice to her writing, if you check out the series let me know what you think! The first book has our couple snowed in and...opps there's only one bed! 

I found this book to be a nice easy read, and I did keep turning the pages because even thought I knew, I knew our couple was going to have a HEA, I had to know how they were going to get there! 

4 Stars!

Next week I'm going to be at the Chicago North Romance Writers Spring Fling Conference. I'm very excited! My first conference! I'm volunteering, I've got a list of presentations I'm planning to attend, and I'm one of the signing authors! If you are in Chicagoland you can come to the free signing on Saturday!  Look at all the amazing authors whose company I'll be in! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Neon Gods and Local Bookstores


Have you read this book? It's very spicy! I picked it up at my local bookstore, Love's Sweet Arrow. I'm very lucky not only to have a local bookstore but one that is a romance bookstore! This month one of the bookstore's book clubs is reading this book, and I am excited to go and be part of the discussion when the book club meets later this month! 

Neon Gods has over two hundred thousand reviews on Goodreads! Amazing, clearly this has been a very popular book. If you ask me, part of the reason why this is popular is not because there is a sex dungeon, but because it's a great update to the ancient story of Persephone and Hades. I read a physical copy of the book and it took me about four sittings to read it. I liked the world enough that I was ready to go straight from this book to the next book in the series. I loved that in this story, Hades isn't described as very handsome but not tall or particularly imposing, even though he is Hades. Most importantly for me, in this story, Persephone isn't kidnapped by Hades. I like this version better. 

Have you read this book? What did you think?

Sunday, April 7, 2024

A Good Slow Burn and Lollapalooza

The kids were all home for Easter and we got to talking about concerts my daughter said she really wanted to go to Lollapalooza, and she specifically said she wanted to go on Thursday or Friday. I thought about it and I offered to get a couple tickets if she wanted to go with me. She picked Thursday! So I'll be going to Lollapalooza for one day this year! I love music and nothing beats an outdoor concert in Chicago on a summer day. 

Ten years ago I was at Lolla and I saw this one guy who was on a side stage first thing in the morning.  It was one of those shows where you know the musician is going to be huge. The kind of show where you get goosebumps. That musician was Hozier, and this year he's a headliner for Thursday night. Sure I'll be one of the oldest people in the crowd, but life is short!

Beneath The Lies by Sara Talley is a long slow burn featuring Violet and Colson who are two college-age kids from different backgrounds. This book reminded me of the TV show the OC.  If you like longer romance books, you are in for a treat this is a 400-plus page book, so lots of time for the embers to glow before the fire and lots of time to spend with the couple. This was a 4-star reading for me!

Below is the description of the book from Goodreads so you can check out the theme of the book and some of the content warnings.  


After my addict mother steals most of my savings, I move into my cousin’s college apartment, knowing it’ll keep everyone out of my business with Harrison Height’s most known drug dealer.

However, when I stumble into the wrong bathroom during a party, it doesn’t take me long to realize that Violet is all the good I’ve never had in my life. As much as wanting her consumes me, I can’t let myself have her. Not when I’m buried beneath a life that would show her just how much we don’t belong.


After the worst summer of my life, I return to Chatham U closed off. My focus is on my classes, my job at the daycare, and trying my best to ignore how my friends and I are growing apart.

Then there’s the new guy in our friend group who I’m drawn to despite our unconventional meeting. He’s gorgeous, mysterious, and…completely closed off.

Somehow he sees more than I want him to. It’s obvious he’s hiding something, but I also know that whatever it is, he needs me. Maybe more than I need him.

Beneath the Lies is a full-length new adult, college romance with hints of corruption, binge-worthy drama, and slow-burn angst. It is the first book in the Complicated Truths Duet. Recommended for 18+. TW: Corruption, drug use/addiction, sexually explicit scenes, strong language, violence (incl. body mutilation).

442 pages, Paperback

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Sunday Post! Problem Solved!


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

When I tried to check out my blog today, I got redirected to a spammy site. Fortunately, I was still able to access the back end of my blog. One of the widgets on my blog was causing a major problem.  I am glad I was able to delete most of the widgets and solve the problem. I've had this blog for so long, I'd be really sad if it just up and went away.

This week we get two days off of school for Eid, the celebration at the end of Ramadan. It's like getting Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. I'm planning to use it to make a concerted effort to catch up on blog posts and reviews. Last week I was in North Georgia visiting my parents and unfortunately, the husband came down with a cold during the trip which took most of the fun out of it. At least it wasn't Covid or Strep, I would hate to have brought that to my parents!  

We are going back with the whole family in August for my dad's 80th birthday. To be on the safe side, I think Tom should take Emergen-C and a daily allergy pill since the last two times we've visited the mountains of Georgia, he's gotten sick! 

How was your week?  Read any good books lately? I'm currently finishing a new novella Buttercup and the Beard  by Alina Lane. On the TV I've been watching the new Shogun and last night started watching Sugar on Apple TV. Both shows are fantastic and I highly recommend you watch them! 

Here are a couple pictures from the mountains:

And a picture of the lunch I had at my brother's restaurant: