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Showing posts with label #cozymysterybookclub. Show all posts

Saturday, July 3, 2021

#TheSundayPost Fireworks and Books and Lots of Walking The Dog


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Today is the 4th of July, we are just going to be hanging around the house.  Well, when I say we, I actually just mean me, and the dog. For all, I know each of the kids as well as the husband have their own plans.  My plan is to read and write and walk the dog. Bowie has too much energy so I've been tasked with making sure he gets a good solid two hours of walking a day. So I've been walking him in the morning, and in the afternoon and after dinner.  Let me tell you Bowie, is a big fan of stopping to smell the roses. I'm trying to learn from him to savor the moment. 

Grapevine as seen on one of our walks. 

I'm listening to this audiobook, it has magic and mystery! 

This one was published in 2004!  

The latest installment of the Magical Mane Mystery Series is out on Tuesday!

How was your week?  Did you celebrate the 4th of July in your neck of the woods? In any case, did you do anything fun or interesting? 



Sunday, May 23, 2021

Cozy Mystery Book Club Meets Tomorrow! Join Us on YouTube!

 Happy Monday, is this work week ending in a three-day weekend for you?  If you ask me everyone should have a three-day weekend every week.  Let's make 4 days works weeks a thing!  I'm kicking off this week with a review of the Cozy Mystery Book Club's book of the month.  This month we chose from a selection of bookish cozies and the winner was Maggie Blackburn's (aka Mollie Cox Bryan) book Little Bookshop of Murder. 

I liked this book more than I thought I would at first blush. I thought that the author does a good job of showing Summer's grieving process.  The murder victim in this book is Summer's mom who we do not get to meet, we only learn of her via other people's memories. The killer in this book is pretty easy to figure out, so if being wholly surprised by who did it is important to you, then you might be disappointed. 

Maggie Blackburn takes a big risk in this book by making the protagonist a scholar who has no use for popular fiction, especially romance and mystery which she thinks is complete dreck.  Readers might be put off by Summer's disdain for the very books they love to read. However,  Summer's life in academia isn't all it is cracked up to be, and the bookstore she inherited isn't the terrible navel-gazing place she made it out to be in her youth. I enjoyed Summer slowly having to eat her words and realize that romance and mystery books are quality reads.

Some readers prefer cozy mysteries that don't have a romance component.  While this book talks about romance novels, there is not a romance plot in this book. If you love a unique cozy companion, this book features a bird named Mr. Darcy!

You can join us for the Book Club Live Stream tomorrow May 25th at 7pm EST! I'll be in the comments sharing my two cents! 

#TheSundayPost for May 23rd! What's Going On?


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Purple Irises began blooming earlier this week!  The hubs bought a bunch of vegetable and flower starts for the garden.  The raised bed is planted, the big planter is filled with herbs and I have filled all the containers from last year with flowers.  So I bought a few more containers, some for the front porch and a couple for extra tomato plants in the back yard. 

Upcoming this week I'll be reviewing this month's Cozy Mystery Book Club selection. Little Bookshop of Murder by Maggie Blackburn (aka Mollie Cox Bryan) 

You can join us for the live stream on Tuesday via YouTube.  Here is the link join us! 

How beautiful is this cover! 

And Friday I'll be sharing a review for Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh --I've been hoping that Dev Santos who we meet a couple books ago would get getting his own book! I was sure he'd make a great main character! You can join the Read-Along by clicking here! 

I'm not feeling this cover, it's a little too action movie starring Steven Sagal -esque! I have every confidence that the book is better than the cover! 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

I Took A Vacation to Ireland Over The Weekend!

 The weather was gloomy Friday and Saturday, so I turned to reading and found myself quickly in the midst of murders and ghosts in Ireland. 

The first book I read, on my imaginary trip to the Emerald Isle, was Death in D Minor by Alexis Gordon.  This book is the second book in Dr. Gordon's  Gethsemane Brown Mysteries series and right off the bat, I found this book to be even better than the first. It is available free on Kindle Unlimited, or like me, you can probably find it at your local public library.  

One of the most enjoyable parts of this series is the focus on Fine Arts. In this book in addition to Gethsemane's classical music background. we learn about textile artwork and schoolgirl samplers. This isn't your average murder mystery: there is also an international art fraud ring!  

Here are some examples of schoolgirl samplers from the website Colonial Sense

Cleverly, this murder mystery takes place in a different town than the first book so we meet a whole new crop of shady characters.  We also get to meet one of Gethsemane's family members and Inspector O'Reilly and Frankie the math teacher are back.  Will there be a romance with either of them?  If not I don't mind because I do find their characters enjoyable on their own merits.  This second book cemented my affection for Dr. Gethsemane Brown. She is bold, tenacious, and unflappable. Plus she can see ghosts! 

5 stars for the second book in this series!  It's like a fine arts seminar wrapped in a murder mystery!  I loved it! 

The second book I am reading from Ireland is The Guest List by Lucy Foley. I'm about 60% finished as of Sunday afternoon so I am going to dive back into it and I'll share a review on Wednesday! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Let's Hope This Warm Up Is Here To Stay! Plus! NEW Cozy Series Book- Farm to Trouble!

Prolific cozy mystery writer Amanda Flower is out with a new series.  I was drawn to this series by the fresh look of the cover and the fun title. I'm excited to say this is the book of the month for June's Cozy Mystery Book Club. I am reading it early because this is when I was able to borrow it from my library! 

This is the story of Shiloh Bellamy who grew up on a farm in Northwestern Michigan and then moved to California where she built a career as a television producer.  Now she is back in her hometown to help her very taciturn father save their farm which has gone fallow (i.e. weeds no crops).  First, she finds out the family home is in terrible shape and then she stumbles across a dead body.

I had trouble reconciling Shiloh's career as a television producer, a tough job that requires the ability to lead as well as sell people on ideas and meet tough deadlines, with her passivity and lack of self-confidence in the book.  Far too often people berate her, far too often she is running here and there chasing after things other people want her to do.  Her personality didn't match a successful 38-year-old television producer. 

The person who is killed is a terrible person, that is always a plus in my book when it comes to cozy mysteries. However, in this book, Shiloh has more than a couple of unpleasant friends and family.  I didn't enjoy spending time with them as the book progressed. 

Cozies are so much about plucky MCs and Community.  I love reading about protagonists who aren't afraid to ask questions or speak up for themselves and in this book Shiloh doesn't advocate for herself and is surrounded by people who are family who mistreat her and acquaintances who call her a murderer and a killer from the moment of the murder. 

This is a three-star read for me. 


Can you believe it is already just about mid-May?  My oldest has finished his Junior year of college and second son is finishing his first year of college finals this week, and my youngest child is at an AP test right now.  We can taste summertime! However, the weather has been more like the Ides of March than the cusp of summer for the past week. My weather app says we should start seeing 70s by next week; but, that is what the app said last week and all we got were the mid-50s.  Not Cool Mother Nature!  --Well really, it is cool, that's the problem!  

Time files! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Judging A Book By Its Cover #RubyRedHerring #NetGalley


Ruby Red Herring by Tracy Gardner is the first book in her new Avery Ayers Antique Mystery series.  I chose to pick up this book from NetGalley because I loved the cover. The title is also a perfectly punny cozy title! 

Our Amateur sleuth is Avery Ayers. Avery and her sister live in the family home with their Aunt following the death of their parents in a car crash a year prior to the series beginning.  We quickly begin to wonder if the car crash was an accident or if foul play was involved.  Lilac Grove is a small suburb of New York City.  So we have the small-town setting where Avery and her family live, and then we also Manhattan where the family business is located.  The family business is an appraisal business that is focused on antiquities and artifacts, we find out the business has suffered since the deaths of William and Anne.  Things are now on the upswing due to a couple of contracts Avery's partner Sir Robert has acquired. 

My only exposure to the world of appraising antiques and artifacts has been through watching Antiques Roadshow on PBS. Tracy Gardner explains the appraisal process in an interesting and easy-to-understand way. I like the variety of character ages in this book.  Avery is 25, her sister is a senior in high school, Aunt Midge is sixty, and the people who work with Avery at the museum span the decades from the late 20s to late 50s.  A nice mix of points of view.  

Tracy Gardner does a very good job highlighting Avery's struggles with mental health after the deaths of her parents.  She is seeing a therapist and working on anger issues as well as grief, I appreciated that her pain and her struggle wasn't glossed over in pursue of the mystery plot.  

4 Stars to this new cozy series, this one takes some liberties with the standard cozy tropes, and I'm always open to reading new twists on cozy mysteries! 

I received an ARC of this book, it may change some when it is in final form.  All my opinions are mine!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

#CozyMysteryBookClub I'm Going To Be On The Live Stream!

 A bit of a bucket list item, though, I'm not keen on the whole bucket list item, so I'm going to say that getting to be a co-host on the Cozy Mystery Book Club live stream tomorrow is the fulfillment of a New Years Resolution/Goal :-) That's much better right?


 Join us!  We will be talking about Color Me Murder by Krista Davis.  It is the first novel in the Pen & Ink Mystery series and the added bonus is that if you buy the book you can color the cover.  Our amateur sleuth Florrie Fox draws coloring books, with a concentration on coloring books for adults and she is the manager of the Color Me Read bookstore in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington D.C. 

This area is also where Krista Davis's Diva series takes place and in both series, the descriptions make me want to book an AirBnB and stay in a historical home in Georgetown. For now, I'll live vicariously through these books. I borrowed my book from the local library, so no cover coloring for me. 

The book takes some interesting twists and turns, but my favorite part of the book might just be the three recipes in the back of the book. There is a recipe for Raspberry Quick Bread with Vanilla Glaze that seems pretty simple to make and I am sure delicious to eat.  I just need 2 pints of fresh raspberries!  You can find the recipe in the back of the book if you purchase or borrow it, and it is also available at the great website Mystery Lovers' Kitchen the website is run by a collective of cozy mystery authors who post recipes from their books. A great resource for foodies who love cozies! 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ready for some Coziness? #NetGalley #PintofNoReturn

 Trinidad is one of the three former wives of a white-collar criminal named Gabe.  She is now divorced from said con-man and has relocated to her ex-husband's hometown.  Why?  Well, the only good thing he seems to have done was leave her a building in Upper Sprocket, Oregon.  Trinidad Jones is opening an ice cream shop that will feature fantastical giant shakes with loads of toppings that she calls Freakshakes.  Just a few weeks before her July 4th opening, Trinidad stumbles across a dead body.  

Dana Mentink's book includes everything that makes a cozy a cozy.  We have a quirky small town, We have an amateur sleuth who is new to town. Trinidad has this wonderful dog named Noodles who flunked out of service-dog school and was rescued by her. Trinidad makes a friend and that draws her into the murder investigation.  Trinidad also meets Quinn the nut farmer who is a military veteran that is also the caretaker of his brother. I can't imagine anyone reading this book and not thinking Quinn is a great guy.  There is a real tender friendship, leading to affection and a future romance (?) between Trinidad and Quinn that is so lovely to read. 

The suspects all have good motives and the red herrings and clues make perfect sense in the story.  I appreciated that in this series the police chief is not a love interest, and she is portrayed as very competent at her job.  Additionally, as the story and the sleuthing goes on, Trinidad isn't out running around putting herself in danger and leaving the police investigation out of the loop. 

I think this is an excellent example of a cozy mystery and I would recommend it to anyone looking to start reading the genre.  I'm looking forward to reading more in the series!

5 stars, I don't really have any complaints! 

I received an ARC of this book from #NetGalley, #PintofNoReturn.  All of the opinions are mine! 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The March Cozy Mystery Book Club Book! Who's Joining Us For the Live Stream Tomorrow?

 This month the Cozy Mystery Book Club is reading the first book in Alexia Gordon's award-winning Gethsemane Brown Mysteries series!  I have been waiting to read this book with the Club for a while now I am glad that the time finally arrived! Not only did I enjoy the writing, I also enjoyed the distinctive signature look of the covers in this series. 

I greatly enjoyed this cozy and am looking forward to immediately reading the next book in the series, not only because there is a cliffhanger that I need to find out more about but also because it's an engaging story. 

 Alexia Gordon is just brilliant, her descriptions are evocative reminding you that Ireland is an old and mystical place, so much so that it doesn't seem shocking at all when Gethsemane runs into a ghost or when the bodies start to pile up.  The mystery and the language used in Murder in G Major kept me on my toes.  I had to look up definitions for more than a couple of words and phrases in this book and I appreciated the opportunity to learn new vocabulary, as well as the proper pronunciations of Gaelic names.  

Gethsemane Brown makes for a wonderful amateur sleuth.  She starts out reluctant to get involved, she's an outsider and her background as a music scholar provides her with great researching skills and the ability to think outside the box.  Now that I think about it, Dr. Gethsemane Brown shares some traits with Sherlock Holmes; both play the violin, both are blunt in their words, and both are doggedly determined to find out who done it.  

This book has just the right of twist and turns and also a gothic flair.  Who has even heard of a church with a poison garden?  As Gethsemane says, only in Ireland. 

4.0 Stars to Murder in G Major. The only reason it wasn't a 5-stars for me was the motive and I have some qualms with how the killer was depicted not a fan of that particular trope. I don't want to say too much and give anything away.  

I loved Gethsemane and Eamon. Really nice duo! 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

#NetGalley Coming soon! #AHexForDanger and Have You Ever Tried To Make DIY Coasters?

 A Hex for Danger is the second book in the Enchanted Bay Mystery series by Esme Addison. The first book in the series is A Spell for TroubleYou can definitely read this book and enjoy it without having read the first book--but if you like to read Cozy Mysteries, why not read both, right? 

The book takes place in the small Coastal town of Bellamy Bay, North Carolina.  Personally, Coastal Cozy Mysteries are one of my favorite types of mysteries.  Something about a beachy small town on the edge of a continent--so cozy! My perception may be colored by the fact that I live in the landlocked Midwest so any coast seems romantic and magical. And this is most certainly a magical series. Alex is a descendent of the Mermaid of Warsaw and is learning the extent of her magical abilities while living with her aunt and cousin.

This book is a thriller of a cozy.  The action-adventure is fast-paced and Alex is not afraid to ask too many questions while she is sleuthing. Unlike a traditional cozy, this book has corporate espionage and scheming governments.  I enjoyed how Esme Addison has woven science and mythology together in her books and extended the environment of the small-town cozy.   Best of all, at one point near the end, I thought the story was wrapped up with a pretty standard cozy murder motivation; but, that was not the end of the story,  more twists and turns were ahead!

On the romance end, I don't know if I'm supposed to be rooting for Jack or Dylan to wind up with Alex. This subplot alone is enough to ensure I'm going to preorder book number three! As someone whose favorite genres are cozy mysteries, romance, and contemporary fantasy, I've found the Enchanted Bay Mystery series very fun read! 

A Hex for Danger will be out July 13, 2021, you can add it to your to-read shelf on  Goodreads here. I received a digital ARC of the book from Net Galley, and all my opinions are my own. 

4 Stars for A Hex For Danger !!!!

This month my local library had a craft kit for pressed flower coasters.  Now, this seems like an easy-peasy craft.  Just put some flowers on a round piece of glass, place another piece of glass on top and wrap a piece of copper tape around the side to secure it. Ha! I had a dickens of a time trying to get the very delicate copper tape around each coaster. This is a craft I would not think to have tried if not for the library, so even though the copper tape doesn't look as nice as I had hope, I still like the coasters. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Sunday Post: Waiting To See if March Will Come in Like a Lion


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

How was your week?  Around here the weather took a turn for the good! The giant piles of snow are finally melting.  Lately when I have been running my left leg has been getting sore in a naggy way. I thought it was most likely due to running on side streets vs. running on sidewalks because the street is slanted so water runs off into the gutter so when you run on the street one leg is higher than the other. 
However, today I got my new running shoes and it turns out, I really needed new shoes!  My leg feels so much better it's ridiculous. Next time I will get shoes in 5 months instead of waiting 6 months. 
Here they are in their platinum glory, for anyone who runs, these are Asics Nimbus 22s. I love the cushion of new shoes and these have great heel support. Once the snow is melted not only can I get back on the sidewalks, I can also run some different routes.  Right now some sidewalks are clear, and others have two-3 foot piles of snow and ice. Not great for running or walking. 

What are you looking forward to in March? Any great reads, TV shows, or films?  Comment below! 

Books I will be reviewing include:


Happy Sunday! 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day! #TheSundayPost Feb 14th!


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Happy Valentine's Day to You! 
I recycled a Cheryl's Cookies box to package up the Hubs Valentine's Day present.  I got him Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee we will see if it lives up to their ad which says it doesn't taste like mushrooms...

The halfway point of February is here and this is the point of winter where my attempts to find the beauty in Winter fades away.  Ugh. snow, slush, sliding, cold air, cold wind, cold face, cold feet, and dry inside air. If I could go somewhere warm and sunny for a week to recharge I would go but that is definitely not going to happen this year--maybe in 2022?  That would be so refreshing. 

Well back to Valentine's Day, I hope you feel the love today!  I plan to give some chocolate to the kids and eat some myself! 

Upcoming this week-
Tomorrow I'll be talking about Paczki Day and reviewing Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews
Wednesday I'll be sharing a recipe from Real Simple for Spicy Chicken and Polenta along with a review of a fun upcoming book called Yoga Pant Nation.
Friday I'll be sharing a Cozy Mystery Book Club review of Crime & Punctuation

Are you celebrating Valentine's Day today?  What about Mardi Gras on Tuesday?  

Sunday, January 24, 2021

#KillerChardonnay #CozyMysteryBookClub January Book!

Our first read of the new year is Killer Chardonnay by Kate Lansing and it is a book Santa brought me for Christmas.  Tomorrow is the online meeting of the Cozy Mystery Book Club you can join us on youtube at 7PM EST for the live stream! One lucky person will be getting a copy of the next book in this series A Pairing To Die For which will be released tomorrow as well! 

Quick reminder you can still enter my MLK Giveaway Book Hop just look for the button on the sidebar here!  The winner will be announced on Wednesday! 

Below is my review of this new cozy mystery series and my first experience with a wine-themed cozy!


Killer Chardonnay (Colorado Wine Mystery #1)Killer Chardonnay by Kate Lansing
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If I have to describe this book in one word, the word I would choose is clever. The sleuth, the mystery, it's clever. Parker Valentine through one part inheritance and one part hard work opens her own winery--quite a feat for someone under 30. Alas, this being a murder mystery and all, someone is killed at the Grand Opening!

I have a very strong suspicion early on about who the killer was, and that was confirmed. It was enjoyable to watch how things played out. Great use of social media in keeping the tension high as Parker tries to save her new business from falling going under before it's even begun.

This is the first book in a new series and I will be back to see what happens next. "Killer Chardonnay" had a relatively high amount of character growth for a Cozy, there weren't too many subplots hanging opened at the end which was quite alright with me. The setting of Boulder, Colorado was larger than the typical Cozy small town, which I think works well for future murders. Author Kate Lansing does a nice job of keeping the number of characters easy for the reader to keep track of and gives side characters nice depth. One of my favorite book details was that Parker doesn't drive a car and relies on public transportation. The book talks about the craft of winemaking in an accessible way that I found engaging.

There seems to be potential for a love triangle and to be honest; I hope it doesn't happen. To keep it vague for anyone reading this, one potential love interest is a character I have already read many times in many books and I'm not a fan of this character trope. As it stands in this book I really liked the love interest portion of the book and I hope that things work out with Parker and BLANK.

All in all, this is a fresh new cozy mystery series--I'm a fan!

View all my reviews

Friday, January 15, 2021

Downward Death - A New Cozy Mystery and I Try A New Recipe! #COYERCHALLENGE2021

As you can see here I overcooked the crescents by about 2 minutes. 

 Kraft food sends me recipes all the time and many of them involved crescent rolls which I think I could easily eat a whole batch by myself! They are so light and flaky!  Ham and Pineapple Crescent Rolls I followed the directions on this recipe. I will say if I were to make this in the future I would dice the ham and mix all the ingredients into one spread and spread that on the crescent rolls and then roll them up. Overall it was a good way to use up leftover crushed pineapple!

I received an ARC of Downward Death by Stella Bixby, below is my review and as always the opinions are mine!

Ellie Vanderwick is a bit of a loner. She was raised in foster homes and has lived off and on in her converted VW Bus since she was 17.  Her dream is to help people to be pain-free and more flexible through yoga.  This story begins with Ellie being bequeathed a farm in Iowa courtesy of the grandmother she never knew.  So far so good right?  Ellie will be the outsider coming to a new town. We've all read that before right?

But wait! Ellie has a secret, her hair is a mood ring.  Yes, it changes color and texture based on her mood and feelings.  I thought this was a unique and fun way to add a little magic to a fairly standard cozy.  She also has a pet pig as her cozy companion!  

At the beginning of the book, there is some major corn confusion that made me say out loud-- "Is anyone going to tell her?"  I don't know if I got it because I am a Midwesterner or if it's common knowledge.  (you'll have to read to know what I am talking about, I don't want to spoil you).

Within the first three chapters of this book, I was already invested in Ellie V's life. I wanted good things for her and her Penelope, and I was ready to fight a couple people in the town on her behalf and hug others.  Stella Bixby has done a wonderful job in this book of really pulling the reader into the story.  The mysteries of Ellie's hair, who her parents were, and how will Ellie support herself were enough to keep me turning the pages, even before the murder occurred. 

I read the second half of Downward Death in one sitting,  The mystery keeps you guessing and you aren't sure which of these characters is terrible enough to be a killer. As I have said before, I prefer it when a cozy mystery killer is just an awful person motivated by...well I better not say this killer's motivation- that might help you guess who done it! 

When the book ends, some of the mystery of Ellie's background is solved, but much of who she is is left as an overarching mystery for future books.  I really enjoyed this series and can't wait to read the next book. I am hoping that Ellie's mother is alive and well and will show up in a future book!  I also hope Katie & Earl's daughter features in a future story! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

First Book Read in 2021! #SconesandScofflaws #NetGalley

 One book down, 99 to go!  Oh, the places I will go in 2021--while being in the comfort of my own home! 

As I mentioned last week, I have activated my NetGalley account, and that allows me to read and review books from various publishers- in all my favorite genres. 

My first pick was a new Cozy Mystery.  This book takes place in Cape May, NJ--which is a real town and is now officially added to TBV (To Be Visited) list! 

This book is available on Kindle and in Paperback from Blue Eagle Press.  If you read it--let me know- tag me in your review or comment below with your feedback! 

Scones and ScofflawsScones and Scofflaws by Jane Gorman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I requested this book from #Netgalley because I like the name. What can I say, I enjoy alliteration!
My impression of this book was that it focuses more on the mystery than on the cozy town itself. We do hear about the beach and meet some townfolk, but we stick with Anna who is focused on finding whodunit and why.

I thought that the method of murder was clever and unique. I appreciated how the clues connected to Anna's life experiences and to her dealings with the town, in other words, scenes were not wasted, everything meant something.

I didn't figure out who the killer was before Anna; but, that person was my #1 suspect so I was glad I was right! I appreciated that Jane Gorman chose to have a villain who was just a terrible person and didn't rely on saying the killer was 'crazy'. Additionally, Ms. Groman doesn't rely on killing additional people to raise the stakes for our sleuth, which makes it a more plausible story overall.

This is a plot-driven book and at times I felt like I would like to get to know Anna better, I hope that in the next book there might be more time to get to know her via maybe some light comedy scenes with her and Sammy or Luke.

Throughout the book, Anna reminds herself that she isn't a damsel in distress which is nice to read. I enjoyed reading about her background in anthropology. I am left wondering about her cousin Eoin (a modern-day Harriet the Spy). I'd like to know more about how Eoin came to be with her for months, I hope we find out more about that in the next book.

Overall this book is a solid mystery that comes together nicely. The title of the book comes into play in the actual story which is a nice bonus!

View all my reviews

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Couple of Burritos or is it Cookie Dough?

 Cookie dough for sure! Yes, I am still baking Christmas cookies. The thing is that I bought a cookie making kit and then The hubs bought a whole bunch of cookie making supplies (i.e. semisweet chocolate chips, chocolate chunks, peanut butter chips, coconut, etc.) I am still working my way through everything.  My thought at this point is, to stop baking cookies. By that I mean, I am going to make the dough,  shape it into cookies, and then freeze it to bake next year. This way we can have fresh cookies on-demand as we forge through the rest of winter.

Where did I get such a great idea?  A cozy mystery!  In The Diva Runs Out of Thyme, the main character Sophie keeps frozen chocolate cookie dough on hand so she can throw a sheet of cookies into the oven whenever there is a cookie emergency.  Genius idea. 

Speaking of cozy mysteries, I just finished listening to Booked for Death by Victoria Gilbert. You can read my review below 

Booked for Death (Booklovers B&B Mysteries #1)Booked for Death by Victoria Gilbert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm ready to book a vacation for me and the Hubs to Chapters! If you are a lover of mystery books, you really need to add this to your TBR pile. Charlotte is the new owner of a Bed & Breakfast she has inherited from her aunt. In a break from many murder mysteries, the murder doesn't take place in the first chapter. In this story you the reader get a chance to meet the characters and then someone dies, which allows you the fun of guessing who is going to get the ax and why.

In addition to the murder, there is a subplot about Charlotte's aunt and her potentially shady past that we get to delve into as the past and present connect.
Great news for those of you that don't need or want a romance in your cozy mystery. This book doesn't have a romance subplot. The reveal of the killer and their motivation takes place with all the suspects in a room together which fits very well with a mystery taking place at a book-themed B&B.

I enjoyed the setting, a book-themed B & B in coastal North Carolina, Charlotte is a retired teacher who is able to take all the patience she has developed from those years of teaching and put it to use managing the guests at her B& B and now solving a mystery. I look forward to seeing what other mysteries will take place in this series.

This book would make a really nice gift for anyone who likes to read mysteries. I listened to the audiobook which I borrowed from my local library. The reader for the book is Suzie Althens whose work I enjoy.

View all my reviews

Monday, December 21, 2020

Why Did I Buy Pie Crust? And Why You Should Read Mrs. Claus & The Santaland Slayings!

 Sometime in late October, I thought 2020 would be the year I made a pie from scratch, or rather the year I would buy premade crusts and then make the rest of a pie from scratch. I was thinking of pumpkin or sweet potato or apple.  I never got around to it, in part because I don't even like those pies that much.

Fast forward to now and I have pie crust that is going to expire in January and no desire to make any pie. I asked my Facebook group, Let's talk about food, beverages, books and more and a few members suggested quiche.  I didn't feel like doing a whole quiche so I looked around until I found an easy mini quiche recipe. What is nice about Add a Pinch's recipe is that it included instructions on how to start with a premade crust or you can use her recipe if you want make your own crust.   Here is the recipe

What I did was make 6 mini quiches with 3 eggs, 1/2 a cup of almond milk, and 1/2 a cup of mozzarella cheese for The Hubs who doesn't like much dairy.  Then I made 6 with 3 eggs 1/2 a cup of heavy cream and 3/4 cup of shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese.  In the almond milk quiches, I added bacon bits (fake bacon) and all the quiches have diced mushrooms, onion, and celery. 
 Here is one of my mini quiches served with a serving of shaved Brussel sprouts & spinach salad. The salad is tossed with olive oil/freshly squeezed lemon, salt, and pepper.  Using the premade pie crust is a very handy shortcut and if you prefer you can make the quiches crustless.  A nice weekend breakfast or lunch or brunch without spending a ton of time in the kitchen. 

Christmas week is here!  Do yourself a favor and pick up this holiday mystery, I know you will like it--heck judge it by its cover! 

Mrs. Claus and the Santaland SlayingsMrs. Claus and the Santaland Slayings by Liz Ireland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I hope that Liz Ireland had as much fun writing this cozy mystery as I did reading it. Ms. Ireland takes the stories of Rudolph, Frosty, Santa so many of us grew up with and creates Santaland. April is the fish out of water, having married Santa himself just three months and is not used to the cold, or the expectations of being a Claus. Add to that the bizarre murder of an Elf, and the whisper campaign that Santa is the killer, and we are off on a wild ride.

Sometimes in the first cozy in a series, readers can be overwhelmed by the size of the cast of characters. Liz Ireland avoids that problem here, and I don't know how she manages to do it, but she gives each of the side characters enough time on the page that they are fully fleshed-out characters.

And for foodie fans, there is a wonderful Croquembouche scene. Good stuff!

If you like Christmas movies or Cozy Mysteries, you have to read this book!

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Do You Listen To Books? Try the Audiobook Challenge 2021!

 Two weeks until the New Year. Are you planning to set goals? do resolutions? start a new eating plan?  

As a fan of planning in general, even though during the last two years most of my goals and plans have taken GIGANTIC detours, I'm still making plans and setting goals.  What can I say setting goals and making a plan to work on those goals makes me happy. 

If you are like me and you enjoy goals and plans to do things or try new things, you should consider joining me for the Audio Challenge by Caffeinated Reader & That's What I'm Talking About.   It's just for fun, and you might learn some new things or at least will have some adventures between your ears. 

Right now I'm listening to an audiobook I borrowed from my library on the Libby App. Yes that is right you can borrow books and listen to them on your phone. How cool is that? 
Right now I'm halfway through Booked For Death by Victoria Gilbert. 

I don't know how it will go, but my plan is to listen to a book a week. How about you? Do you listen to audiobooks?  If not, give it a try! 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Happy December! The #12daysofcozies Are Here!

 I spent November with one goal, complete Nanowrimo.  That means writing 50,000 words during the month of November. It stands for National Novel Writing Month.  I've participated in it in the past, but I've never hit the 50,000-word goal. This year I did! Do I have a book ready to share?  No, I sure don't, I still have more to write to get to THE END.  Once I get there I will have to revise, revise, revise until it is something that I would dare to share!  

Now it's time for me to enjoy the holiday season!  Instead of writing as much this month, I'm doing more reading.  It's time for The Cozy Mystery Book Club's #12daysofcozies.  If you go on Twitter or Instagram and follow @cozymysterybookclub you can enter to win books every day through December 12th.  You can also sign up to receive daily emails and when you open your email you get a chance to win. 

And if you are looking for a book to start with I recommend Cheddar Off Dead by Julia Buckley! 
Cheddar Off Dead (Undercover Dish Mystery #2)Cheddar Off Dead by Julia Buckley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy Julia Buckley's writing so it is no surprise that I enjoyed this book. It's a great cozy and a perfect December read. This cozy has just the right amount of Christmas holiday in the mix. There is mouth-watering food talk and even a cookie making scene. Good Stuff. The setting of a small town near enough to a big city is a favorite setting of mine. There are quite a few potential killers which I like in a story, and there is a good sense of menace that fuels the amateur sleuth to keep trying to figure out the mystery.

If you like romance, I think you are in for a treat as well.

I always appreciate it when our protagonist doesn't put herself into foolishly dangerous positions. This is the second book in the series, I didn't read book one first, I read this book because I wanted a Christmas read and this book delivered!

One thing, which happens in too many mysteries, is that at the end (this isn't a spoiler) the killer is described as being unbalanced. I don't like when the killer in the book is presented as a rational person up to the climax, and then when the killer is revealed they are described as having crazy eyes for example. In mysteries, I prefer that the bad person is not portrayed as potentially mentally ill. I like a solid terrible greedy person who has complete disregard for anyone who gets between them and what they think they deserve.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

Is it too early for Christmas Mode? I say no!

That being said, I have to share some November content.  Here is my coffee station decked out for Turkey Day. The turkey has feathers on it and shows what youngest child was grateful for on a day long ago. - Family, Friends, School, and Home, I think it would be safe to say that she is still grateful for those same things and also Harry Styles, Dunkin Donuts coffee, and her Learner's Permit. 

The Hubs is grateful that Aldi's has these very quirky potato chips that he thinks tastes great. He is planning to go buy more as he finished his bag yesterday.  
And now a book review!  

Merry Scary Victorian Christmas: A Victoria Town Mystery NovellaMerry Scary Victorian Christmas: A Victoria Town Mystery Novella by Mollie Cox Bryan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yes, I know it is only the beginning of November, but this year more than ever I'm ready for holiday reading. Bring on the tales of Christmas trees, scenes about making cookies, and a murder or two. This third book in the Victoria Town Mystery series is a nice read to kick off your holiday season.

Viv has more bad luck when it comes to being on the scene when someone meets an untimely demise. Someone is framed for the murder, but Officer Willoughy, clearly isn't falling for the framing. Viv uses her skills as a hacker to narrow down the list of suspects and a new character is introduced who offers a clue for Viv.

I enjoyed the book and getting to know Viv better. If you love a good Christmas mystery, pick this one up!

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