
First of all...

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Tired of the Heat? Try Reading This Book to Put You in an Autumn Frame of Mind


Book Nine in the long Lucy Stone Mystery series had lots to make me happy. As ya'll know I'm a Lucy Stone fan.  The Lucy Stone Mysteries, never fail to give me warm fuzzies of nostalgia, and a longing to hop on a plane and head to Maine. 

>> As an aside, imagine my surprise in finding out that Leslie Meier doesn't live in Maine! From all these books I had assumed she was born and raised in Maine>> 

This book starts with the Summer solstice, so it is a witchy book that spans all of summer and then climaxes at Samhain (aka Halloween) which I found to be delightful and why I recommend reading this now as we slowly march toward those crisp fall days. If you like a seasonal read and you enjoy the mythology of witches and some Wiccan discussion and lore, you will enjoy this cozy. You can read it without having read other books in the series, you shouldn't feel lost. 

As someone who has read other books in the series, I found this comment by Lucy to be pretty funny since a couple of years ago there was a series of murders in their subdivision- also Lucy was in a gangland shootout in Book four I think, and so on and so on.  People in Tinker's Cove REALLY need to start locking their doors!  Hazardous town to live in--especially if you are new to the area, ha!

Four stars for this installment. Lots of cranky Lucy and witchy stuff! 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

And Now It's My Birthday Week! #TheSundayPost


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Trailer Park Trickster- Second in a Series!

This is the follow-up book to the excellent novel White Trash Warlock. There is much to love in this series, first of all, David R. Slayton writes characters with a depth that is matched in the intricate details of the world he has created and is continuing to build with each chapter. 

My favorite things about this series are:
 *It's a rare paranormal adventure that takes place primarily in a tiny town in Oklahoma. We've had many urban fantasies, is now the time for rural fantasy?  I'm here for both!
*The main character is in a same-sex relationship --again pretty rare. 
*Adam Binder reminds me of Harry Dresden, he isn't the one with the most power but he will put himself on the line to save humans. Unlike Harry Dresden, Adam has some family and he hasn't decided he is unworthy of love. Harry seems pretty bent on believing he cannot have a relationship. 
*The books deal with grief in a hopeful way. 
*Everyone in the book is gray --ie no one is all evil or all good. 

If you haven't started this series yet, now is a good time to start you can read books one and two and then preorder book three, Deadbeat Druid on October 18th! 


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

July's Cozy Mystery Book Club Book: Murder, She Knit

Murder, She Knit was the book selected by the Cozy Mystery Book Club for July. On this month's live stream Angela is joined by Amanda who is an actual knitter, so that was nice to get a knitter POV on a book that focuses on a group of knitters.  You can watch the live stream here:


My thoughts on the book. There are some amateur sleuths I vibe with and those I just don't connect with and it doesn't even have particular reasoning to it.  Pamela the slueth in this book isn't someone I want to spend more time with, I found her to be fussy and judgmental. She was for me like an older more set in her ways Hannah Swenson, another sleuth I don't want to hang out with even though she has cookies 24/7.  Loads of people love Hannah, she's just not for me.  This series is now on at least book nine, clearly, many people like spending time with Pamela.

For me, Pamela and the majority of the characters in this book were too flat. As for the murder, I had a really hard time believing it was possible for that character to have killed that other character with the particular weapon used and that they would have been successful in the killing. Attacking yes, killing... no. 

Three stars for this book for me, but maybe you'll really dig it--it does have a great Thanksgiving vibe so if you are looking for a seasonal Thanksgiving cozy, this is a contender! 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

I Only Have One Complaint About This Book.


My only complaint is that I'm here waiting for a sequel. I didn't know this was going to be a series because of the time -travel I thought I was a one off--but when there was only half an hour left of the audiobook I realized I was looking at a likely cliff-hanger situation.  

Happily, the murder mystery is solved it is just the overarching mystery of the central character that is left.  The Sherlock Holmes, but in Scotland vibe was fabulous. 

Saturday, July 30, 2022

On the Cusp of My Birthday Month! #TheSundayPost


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

It's just about August, And that means it's my birthday month! I've informed the family that we'll be going to the local farm to table and fun beverage place that is a block from our house for my dinner. I think I'm going to get a giant pretzel with cheese and an ice cold beer, then have a fancy salad and strawberry shortcake for dessert! What do you like to have as a birthday meal?

I've been doing a bunch of reading and listening lately so I need to  prepare more blog posts to talk about these books. For now: 

Books I'll be talking about this week:

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Harry Dresden My Favorite Chicago Wizard!

It's handy that electronic equipment fizzles around Harry Dresden that way electronics are less a part of the story and you don't have as many obsolete electronic/internet references.  I read 6, 7, and 8 in the series one after the other, so I had to double-check what happened in what book. I was able to read and listen to this book switching from audio to kindle throughout.

As always I do enjoy the audio version of these books, and when I read them I hear the audio reader in my head. I found Blood Rites one of the books in the series that I *had* to keep reading--I mean we all know Harry is going to survive the latest evils in Chicago, but still!  I worry. 

In this installment, Kincaid is back, Harry hires him to help with Mavra an evil vampire from the Black Court.  I enjoy Kincaid and was glad he was back in a book. However, there is an attraction between Kincaid and Murphy and I somewhat ship Murphy and Harry so, I don't know how I feel about that.  Of course Harry is not a good relationship prospect for anyone. 

Speaking of relationships, in this book Thomas the super hot white court vampire moves up from an occasional guest appearance to being a supporting character. I was very pleased with this development. I like the flawed Thomas and I loved what happens in this story in relation to Harry and Thomas. AND Harry gets a dog. Mouse, Harry doesn't realize it, but we readers know Mouse will grow to become an excellent bodyguard for Harry and is certainly no mere dog.

This book brings the reader a more detailed understanding of the white court. Harry learns more about his mother and Kincaid sort of gets the girl.

Overall 4 stars.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Fabulous Cozy Series, The Secret, Book, & Scone Society-

 If you've read my blog at all, you know that cozy mysteries are a favorite genre of mine.  There are so many cozy series out there that you can find a cozy for anyone. Some series work for me and some aren't my cup of tea, that's what makes variety the spice of life!

This first book in a series worked for me.  I enjoy books with a group of people who connect and become friends, extra credit if they've been around the block and have been through some things.  So this group who deliberately decides to become friends by sharing the bad stuff in their past really hits the spot. Then you add in just a touch of magic by having the setting be a town where people go for healing, and you set the book in the Appalachian Mountains?  AND there is loads of baked goods talk--I'm IN!

This book puts together a great Scooby Doo mystery crew.  I thought Ellery Adams does an excellent job portraying Nora's struggle as someone who has been burned.  Burn recovery is a horribly painful process and I think that readers who have many types of chronic illness or have been in an accident or fire would relate to Nora's POV and feel represented. 

Also, there is a murder mystery--there is that too. Do I have any complaints?  I don't think I do, I often get annoyed when the cozy sleuth goes off and puts themselves in danger, but in this case, Nora doesn't go off alone. 

5 stars, excellent cozy!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

When He Was Wicked


This is the sixth book in the Bridgerton series. Did I enjoy it?  Not as much as some of the other books. I think the part where Francesca can't decide about getting remarried goes on too long. If you like some decent sex scenes, I think this has more than some of the other books in this series. I did appreciate that unlike many other historical romances set in Regency England the MCs in this story are not virgins and they are working through grief, these are themes I typically enjoy, but for whatever reason I just wasn't that into this book. I think the part I like the most when Violet was on the scene. 

Like where is a romance for Violet. That's what I want to read, I know she doesn't want to get remarried, but... 
Anywho this is a 3 star book for me. It's fine. 

Have you read this one? I also saw today a synopsis of what we can expect on season three of Bridgerton which will be Penelope & Colins story and it seems to be a big departure from the books. Which is OK, I'll watch it either way, I look forward to seeing it. I hope that Lady Danbury still plays a big part in the season. She's great! 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Happy Late July Sunday!


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

Happy July! I hope you have been having a nice summer. I started back posting last week and this is the first time I've been able to rejoin The Sunday Post since mid May. Busy in a good way! Last weekend we had the graduation party for our college and high school grads and now we are helping our youngest get everything ready to head off to college next month. 

Plus it's officially Leo season!  My birthday is coming soon.  I was thinking the other day that my 40s were pretty crummy and so I'm going to make an effort to have a better decade in my 50s  Of course it would help if the world would just be a nicer, more considerate place. My thought is to control what I can control.  

How about you? How is 2022 going for you? 

This week I'll be posting about some books I have recently read: