Tuesday, January 14, 2020

One Of My Projects For 2020

One way for me to find joy in everyday life is having projects. What is more fun than a To-Do List?  Not much I tell you!  To that end, this year we are working on making our backyard into a great place to hang out, and even more importantly a great place for pollinators to hang out!

On Saturday, The Man and I went to Conex (Conservation Expo) and we picked up info on getting a Mason Bee Box. So that's on my master to-do list for March and then in April, we are going to get a rain barrel, May for Mother's Day I want another raised bed to double our garden.  My plan is one raised bed for veggies and one for herbs.

Then for the people,  we need three things:  1. a hammock, 2. twinkly lights and 3. one of those pop-up pools.  I have decided 2020 is the year of backyard paradise!

Also the year of old lady pool parties, every Friday this summer my backyard BYOT (bring your own towel).
At the Conex we picked up a Rosemary plant in a cute crochet planter, right now it's keeping the crocuses company and when The Man gets around to putting together my baker's rack. The bakers rack is part of my future coffee station.  The coffee station is my winter Pinterest project--stay tuned there will be pictures. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Boo It's Monday

Since I write this blog as a digital journal for me I long ago gave up trying to write titles that drive clicks and social engagement to my little blog. Even so, I find it quite difficult thinking up titles for whatever I ramble on about, as you can see from the title used here.

Today I began week two of radiation.  I did a bit of a disservice to myself today by reading about radiation-induced sarcomas following radiation for breast cancer.   I did this because I saw an anecdotal report that people who are BRCA 1or 2 *might* be more prone to this. Yikes. Is the internet my friend? Not today!

During the treatment, the nurses said to relax my shoulder.  My shoulders were probably up around my ears from reading the aforementioned radiation-induced sarcomas articles.  In any case, it's very difficult to simultaneously relax your shoulder and hold your breath at the same time!  It's like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time, except much harder. Try it!  Take a breath, hold it, now try to relax your shoulders- not easy.

Tonight I was updating my planner for a few upcoming events I didn't know the kids had, and I saw this:

An excellent reminder is it not?  Happiness is a choice.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

My Best Advice for Sunday Nights

How is it already Sunday night?  The weekend really flies when you work Monday through Friday. This is just another reminder about how my 4-day work week program would be the central plank of my imaginary presidential campaign.

But anyway, my best advice for Sunday nights is to take just 10 minutes and go over your upcoming week. Check in with your calendar and see how the month is going. This can help you to keep plans, make sure you remember what auto pays are coming out before your next paycheck, and maybe help you avoid forgetting that school ends early on Tuesday.

I like to look at my week ahead, then review my current month and lastly plan out quarterly - with a loose framework, more of a goals focus.  I used to get much further out with goals, but last year cancer told me a thing or two- so right now I'm not thinking about retirement or five years from now or really anything past 2020.  I guess this is a good thing? be present in the moment?

Just think this time last year, I was feeling sad, pondering what I would do with myself when the kids were gone.  Ha!  Foolishness. As someone probably said, don't get ahead of yourself worrying about something that is over 1/2 a decade away--unless it's climate change, then don't just worry - do something.

Gel Pens and Stickers are integral to my planning.  Got the big box of pens for Christmas from the Hubs, I'm sure he found them on sale- he loves a good sale!.  I got the stickers w/a coupon at Michaels and my planner is from Aldi! Yes, Aldi!  The Aisle of Surprises is home to all kinds of good stuff! 

All the wise organizers will tell you to use a different color for each person's schedule in your family or to signify different activities (gym, tan, laundry,etc) and it seems like a solid plan.  I do not. I just use whatever color I feel like using at the moment and overall my goal is to make my calendar as colorful as possible. I don't want my life to be too organized!

Happy Sunday Night!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Where Is My Medal?

Man-o-Man yesterday was a long day for me! Good thing it was Friday. If it had been a Tuesday and I still had the rest of the workweek ahead of me, I might have cried.  I had scheduled to do a Secret Shop after my radiation.  Wouldn't you know that the one day I had a time-sensitive errand is the day that the radiation appointment took literally three times as long as usual? 

I made it to the secret shop with about 20 seconds to spare and then the shop took just under two hours. Ideally, it would have taken  40 min. So that was longer than expected. 

But then we get to the real trying part of my day.  I went to Jewel at 6pm on a Friday.  That's just crazy. The worst time to go!  Busy and all the carts were wet because it was raining. Wait, there is more. Then Jewel was sold out of all the really good 3-day specials that were the basis of my grocery list and the whole point of going to Jewel over Aldi.

Nevertheless, I persisted. I was home by 8pm. Long day.  I would have skipped the grocery store if not for the looming "Winter Storm Warning." I was freaking exhausted.  The fact that I don't like the family to put away the groceries because they don't know how to do it the right way really worked against me. I plan to spend the weekend recovering from my very long but not bad Friday.

In all honesty, it's a delight to complain about simple things like a lack of $1.99 ground turkey.

5 radiation treatments down, 20 to go.  The universe smiled upon me this morning when I was greeted by 5 crocus buds about to blossom.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Over 10% Done!

It's only Wednesday.  Doesn't it feel like it should be Friday already?  Even though I am only working half days during radiation, I am still prone to whine about working five days in a row. 

If I was running this country, we would have higher taxes and in exchange, we would have healthcare for all and free public college - and trade school training.

Businesses would participate in robust training/internship programs for their employees and would get tax credits for that-- we would be leading the world in green energy innovations and best of all -- a four day work week model. Some people might Monday thru Thursday, other people might work Wednesday thru Saturday.

While I'm at it, add to my platform, 1 year paid parent leave -- and in my country that would mean 1 year paid leave if you had a child or adopted a child as well as if you had an ailing parent and wanted to care for them. Dual paid parental leave options.

We could totally do all this if we wanted to make it happen. Think of all the worry and stress that would disappear if people didn't have to worry about healthcare and college costs. Plus the worry and stress families having juggling that first year with a baby or the last year with a parent.  Plus think about how the Earth would flourish if we embraced alternatives to oil and gas. 

And those sweet, sweet 4-day work weeks.

In any case, I'm over 10% done with radiation. After Friday I will be one fifth done. Yippee. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Big Milestone Today

Seven days into the new year- heck the new decade- and I've already lost a pair of gloves.  This is why I can't have nice things. This is also why The Man got me four pairs of cheap $1 gloves for Christmas. Now I have 25% fewer gloves to make it through winter. 

I think we all know that by February 29th, leap day, I will be down to one pair which is actually made up of two different colored gloves and at least one of the two gloves will have a hole in the thumb. This would be, as they say, par for the course when it comes to me and outerwear accessories. In case you have not guessed my track record on retaining gloves or scarves long term is not great. 

I need glove clippies.

Lucky for me, today's weather was warm enough that my bare hands didn't suffer too badly.

Heard anything good lately?  I have been listening to the album Bubba by KAYTRANADA on Spotify--the free version because I am trying to cut down on monthly service fees in general. Good stuff it makes me feel like it's the first Saturday in June and the sun is shining and I have Monday off work. Two earbuds up!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Looking For Answers to Life's Big Questions?

The answer is usually to drink more water.  No, really it's true.  Stressed out?  Have a glass of water?  Want better-looking skin or hair?  Drink more water.  Tired?  Drink a cold glass of water.  Hot flash? Drink a cold glass of water.  Mad at your spouse?  Have you considered...a nice tall drink of water?

It's true though, water cures many ills and prevents even more. 

Today was treatment #1 of 25 and guess what I did?  Oh yes, I made sure to drink extra water before the treatment and more water after it was done. Hydration, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are the name of the game during radiation therapy--and pretty much all the time really!

How was radiation? You can't tell when the actual radiation is going into your body, so obviously it doesn't hurt.  I think that the machine should have sound effect options. I would have liked it to make the sound of a Tie-Fighter laser-blasting as the radiation was beamed into me. 

That would make the whole radiation experience more exciting.  Alas, it's pretty quiet and kinda boring just laying their all alone, on a table waiting for voices to come in over the intercom letting me know when to breathe and when to hold my breath. Boring does beat painful, so I will take it and I will hope that the next 24 treatments are as uneventful as the first. 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday is for Soup: January is for Joy

I don't like winter.  I will admit snow looks pretty and a day off work due to a blizzard is a nice way to break up the monotony of a workweek but other than that I'm not a fan.

However, winter is a quarter of the year and I don't want to spend 25% of my year crabby.  I have done an excellent job of achieving 100% crabbiness for the 25% of the year known as winter in the past; and now that I am nearly a full 50% of a century years old, it's time for a change.

Therefore one of my goals for January is to find the joy in January.  Today is day 5 of January and here is what I've come up with thus far...

When I am out for a run and it snows the snow makes everything quiet and muffled like I am alone in the midst of everything around me.  It also cushions my fall when I slip on the ice I couldn't see. 

Lucky for me so far, so far this year it's been mild and the snow isn't sticking around for more than a day on the sidewalks.  That fact helps me enjoy winter.  The gloomy grey sky is like a blanket blocking out the arctic air keeping our temps above freezing during the day. 

A cozy blanket of clouds is better than a blanket of snow!

The smell of a wood-burning fireplace is an unmitigated plus in my book, so that is nice and also during the winter it is much easier to stay home and not feel compelled to go out and do stuff. Winter is also when I regret not buying a car with a remote start.  As you can see my quest to find the joy in January is a work in progress.

One thing I do know is that winter is a good time to try new soup recipes and a bowl of flavorful soup is a joy.  This week another soup from Real Simple Magazine.

I made a few changes. I used 1 lb of ground pork and 1/2 a lb of ground turkey. I didn't have mirin so I used pinot grigio and I used 3 tablespoons of grated ginger. 1 tablespoon in the meatballs, 1 tablespoon sauteed in the pot and then 1 tablespoon more when the soup was done. I also added a splash of oil when the soup was done because it needed a little something more and toasted sesame seed oil was the right little something.  Lastly, my grocery store didn't have baby bok choy so I cut up 1.5 full-size bok choy like you would cut celery.  (see below)

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

I tried it

I saw this meme on a friends FB page:

I laughed and scrolled on, and then last night... 

The kids love Martinelli's sparkling apple cider. It's a bottle cap top. If you have to refrigerate it, you are on your own because it has no cork.  If you are like my hubs and drink the cheap staple wine sold at Walgreens known as Looking Glass Wine,  well those corks do not fit either.

Guess what does fit in the Martinelli's bottle?  You guessed right? Something that is always in our fridge!

Note. Right after I took this picture P. came in the kitchen and ate half of the cork. LOL

Happy First Weekend in 2020!  Cheers!  keep that fridge stocked with bubbly AND carrots! 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Just Me Talking About My First Friday in 2020

How did you spend your first Friday in this new decade? I had a groovy time this afternoon hanging out in the Radiation Department of my hospital.  Today was the dry run for my upcoming radiation treatments.  I am happy to report both my doctor and the nurses said I am very good at holding my breath.  I credit all the running I do.  Is this a skill I can add to my resume? 

Why holding my breath? It is supposed to help move my heart and lung away from the beam of radiation. This technique is called Deep Inspiration Breath Hold.  Very zen sounding. I'm all for whatever I can do to keep my heart healthy-- especially since I had chemo and that can impact the heart.  Like the cancer isn't bad enough!  Insult to injury and all that.

It would be great if I could zone out and listen to a book on the audible app while I am laying there with the machine moving around me, but I have to listen to them tell me when to breath, hold my breath, and most importantly when I can stop holding my breath.  So no listening to a book.

Today I spent one of my credits on a thriller that takes place in Australia.  The bad guy is killed right off the bat, so now the question is what all went down prior to his death.

I've been a member of Audible off and on for years and now is a really good time to be a member. They have a special where if you listen to 3 books between now and March 3rd, you get a $20 Amazon Credit. Then I can use my $20 Amazon Credit to buy some paperback books. You can join Audible anytime this month and get in on the deal. If you are already a member you don't have to do anything, it's all tracked through the website.