And after some supplies picked up from WalMart during a mad dash through the store last week while Bryce was at Cub Scout Den Night....along with zealous assistance (aka nagging) from Anna... we have created our pumpkin version of the much beloved book character Oliva!
There she is hanging with her biggest fan!
Perhaps you view the pumpkin and think, really that's it, how hard was that? Let me tell you, I'm feeling very good about this achievement. The literary pumpkins aren't even due until next week, We finished way before the due date! But wait there is more! So far this month I have managed to get Bryce his Weblos uniform and even put the patches on in the right places. Patrick finally got a haircut and we even got him a few blue highlights. Both boys finished their book report projects and turned those in on friday. Tonight I ironed-onto Anna's brownie sash the troop numbers. And last but not least, I have everything ready for Patrick to make his Diary of a Wimpy Kid pumpkin this week as well as the carving supplies for Bryce to carve his pumpkin.
Most of the time, I am thisclose to feeling completely overwhelmed with all that I should be doing and with that, some of the little things get over looked. Something like an optional school project would fall to the wayside and that would make Anna, Bryce or Patrick disappointed and meal feel like 'the worst mom ever'.
I have no clue how so many parent manage multiple activities for multiple kids. I'm happy to tread water with school and one outside activity per kid.
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