
First of all...

Monday, March 11, 2024

Taken by Eveline Rose


Happy Monday! I have a jampacked week to kick off daylight savings time. This is the last week before our primary election in Illinois, and I'll be canvassing today, Thursday, and Friday. Tonight is the monthly Chicago North Romance Writer's group meeting. Wednesday, I'm the host for our local business group meeting. That means on Tuesday I need to cook for the meeting on Wednesday since I sell Tastefully Simple, I'm in charge of the eats. 
Saturday and Sunday I'm doing local craft fairs. We will see how Sunday goes, the craft fair might be empty because many people in my area go to the South Side Irish Parade. It's a big deal and this year it's on St. Patrick's Day. 

I just finished reading Eveline Rose's debut book Taken.  This is the first book in her new series, categorized by Amazon as police romance. If you want to get technical about things, it's a private security romance and is whole-heartedly romantic suspense. It deals with some heavy trauma, so check out the content warning. Taken is a romantic suspense that takes place in a small town.  If you like small-town romance, this might be a nice crossover if you are looking for a crossover book. 

I enjoyed the story and getting introduced to Sheppard & Sons Investigations. Here is the blurb for the book: 

Can their love be real if her name and background are fake?

Meg ~
… Released on parole… Those three words sent me looking for a new town, but I never expected Weatherford, Texas to feel like home. I was getting mom-vibes from my boss and sexy looks from my boss’s son. I was making friends and learning what it felt like to be in a real family, but with every step closer to love and happiness, I risked cracking my mask and revealing my secrets. I wouldn’t repay the Sheppard family’s kindness by endangering their lives.

Jack ~
The second my eyes connected with Meg’s, I knew she was meant to be mine. I also knew she was hiding something. Lucky for her, I spent my entire life being raised, trained, and conditioned to protect. Meg would share when she was ready, and I was patient enough to wait, but I didn't have to. Being a PI made it easy to find out the truth for myself. I was determined to uncover the threat against her and keep her safe.

When Meg learns about his snooping, the betrayal sends her running… right into the duct-tape wielding hands of her worst nightmare. Can Jack reach her in time, or will she have to save herself? More importantly, is their love strong enough to overcome the lies?

This standalone, first in series, slow burn, small town, romantic suspense features an overprotective man and a woman with a hidden identity. They'll get their HEA, but only after redefining what it means to love. The intense action, and Meg's horrifying past, may not be for everyone. Use Read Sample to check the copyright page for details.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Sunday Post: Do You Spring Forward?


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

Happy time change to those who celebrate! I've been canvassing for the last few weeks and it's hard when the sun goes down to see people's addresses so I'm happy to have the daylight for that last hour of knocking on doors this week. 

I sent my second book off to my editor and am now working on trying to make social media posts in Canva!  This week I listened to Bride by Ali Hazelwood. I also finished Taken by Eveline Rose, the first in a new police romance series. I'll post about these books this week. 

In the meantime here is the back blurb for my second book (cover reveal TBD!) When Jasper makes Zaina a deal she can’t refuse, will she find herself with something more than money?

Zaina Evans told herself this was going to be her year. She’s done looking for a soulmate to share her life. She lives in a great small-town, has a successful business, she’s surrounded by wonderful friends and her mom is just a train ride away. Zaina has everything she needs and wants in life except for a baby. Now all she needs is funding to help pay for IVF.
Jasper Kane is the handsome owner and head brewer of Hop’s Heaven Brewery. He’s only had time to promote his business and date a of string of beautiful women for the last five years. His goal to take his craft brewery nationwide consumes him. Maybe if his brewery had locations across America, his mother would finally take him seriously.
Then a video of Jasper and Zaina goes viral for its feel-good content, and a local TV show wants to do a live remote, but only if Zaina’s there too. This gives Jasper a fantastically devious idea. He can get loads of free publicity and tons of followers if Zaina agrees to fake date him to make social media content. But when they get stuck at the brewery during an ice storm, things stop being fake fast. Will they be able to get past their preconceived notions of the perfect life to find the love right in front of them?

Too Klösch For Comfort is a small-town, fake dating, iced-in, steamy romance, featuring a craft brewer who will do anything for his business and a tarot card-reading woman who’s given up on finding her true love. Part of the Marley Creek Romance Series, this standalone story includes viral videos, Hallmark movie vibes, and a guaranteed HEA.

I used my latest audible credit to purchase Three Kinds of Lucky by Kim Harrison. On the TV front, I'm enjoying Shogun on Hulu. 

What are you enjoying right now? 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Canvassing and Under The Mask- A Superhero Romance!

I received an ARC of this new release in exchange for an honest review. Under The Mask by Lisabel Chretien is a nice twist on the romance subgenres of police romance and paranormal romance. In this book, Claire is a New York EMT who has dreamt of being a superhero. In this universe, superheroes came out of the shadows during the prohibition era to help fight crime. 

Claire doesn't have superpowers, but due to some events, she comes to the attention of a supervillain and needs protection. I don't want to say too much and spoil you. This is a second-chance romance. The heat level is low, basically on par with what you would see if this was a primetime TV show. 
I enjoyed the romance and the action of the book. If you typically read paranormal romance I think this book is a good fit. Plus this is a standalone book. So it's like Nalini Singh's Psy Changeling series, each book will have a different couple. Which is nice! 
Under The Mask has characters you'll enjoy spending time with, is a fast read, and for me, it was a five star read! 
You can get it here:

Tomorrow I'll be canvassing again for a local candidate who is running to be my state representative in Springfield, IL. Temps are supposed to be in the low 50s (12 degrees Celsius). This is great weather for February weather in Chicagoland so I will take it. I hope the time goes fast and that the people are friendly! 

We have 27 days until our Illinois primary--will it snow between now and then? Yes, I'm sure it will!


Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Sunday Post Finally Turned a Corner


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 

On Tuesday, I was still feeling crummy and coughing way too much, but I did get some sleep. Wednesday my symptoms diminished by like eighty percent. I don't know why, but thank goodness!  By Thursday I was feeling so much better I could not believe it. I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day. We didn't do much of anything. 

This week I'll be sharing reviews for a couple of new releases and a book I read before I got sick. 

I'm also excited that on Tuesday,  Will Trent is back on TV. Yay! I've been waiting!  

Saturday, February 10, 2024

I've been sick the whole month so far! Rude! #TheSundayPost


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme  

I have spent this month with a miserable sinus infection. The worst is at night when I am coughing, coughing, coughing. It's still pretty bad but not as bad as last week, so I guess I'm getting better. I have done all the things you are supposed to do to alleviate symptoms. One problem I have is that I can't take any decongestant stuff because it causes me to have restless legs. 

The other day my No Gouda Without You author copies arrived and I've been exhausted and sick to do an unboxing video! A total bummer!

I didn't have the energy or attention span to read or blog. I did manage to work on writing my second book, that's about all I could manage. My manuscript is due to my editor on March 2nd, so that was my motivator. 

How are you doing? I hope you have not been sick!  My fingers and toes are crossed that I start feeling better each day this week. I've got books to share here and I'd like to have the energy to read! 

Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day! 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Sunday Post Closing Out January


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme  

This week our weather took a turn for the warmer and that caused me to have a terrible sinus headache that has turned into sinusitis. The turn for the worse happened Friday night so I guess the upside is I have the weekend to relax. However, my plan for the weekend was to work on writing my second book! Yesterday I was smart enough to recognize there was no point in trying to write and I laid in bed most of the day. 

Today, as you can see, I am feeling good enough to sit in bed and write. My goal for today is two thousand words. Wish me luck!

How are you doing? Any fun plans for the upcoming week?  

I'm currently finishing reading Cat Sloan Is Swirling. I'm planning to blog about that on Friday. Tomorrow I'll be blogging about Last Night by Luanne Rice. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

In The Depths of Winter, What You Need is a Cozy Fantasy Read!


Life got you down? Are you in a reading slump? Do you need cozy comfort in your life?  Buy or borrow this cozy sapphic fantasy book by Marissa Serrao. This book's vibe reminded me of Legends and Lattes. It may not be officially a category, but this book is a cozy fantasy. There is a unique and lovely world populated with a diverse group of Fae. The story is the hero's journey taken by a half-demon/half-satyr who finds her better half along the way. 

In my experience, most often a fantasy book means a cliffhanger and a second book. Between Mischief & Magic is a stand-alone. The baddies are vanquished and our couple gets their happily-ever-after. 
5 stars for all the cozy goodness!

This week I officially became a published author. I really don't feel like one yet. My brain says, write book two then I'll consider you a real author. Aren't brains weird?  I hope you are having a nice week!  I just finished a domestic thriller and I started reading Cat Sloan is Swirling. I'm also listening to Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone.  

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Small Town Romance from Donna R. Madden You Are Enough

He's a modern-day rake. Wealthy, owner of motorcycles, cars, and horses. He has his own place on the family's palatial estate. Women love him and he enjoys all they have to offer. 

Then he meets Leila, a young single mom who is living in her father's basement. She's trying to start a new life with her baby Skylar, the last thing she needs is a man like Adler.

Or does she???? 

Donna R. Madden's fourth book in this small-town romance series is out today! If you like small-town vibes and some of the feels of regency romance, check this book out. If you love reading single-parent romances, you have to check this out! As you read, you may want to know more about some of the couples mentioned and the good news is that there are 3 other books in the series ready for you to enjoy!

This is a stand-alone, guaranteed HEA story of two people who need to decide if they are enough for each other.  
5 stars for You Are Enough


Monday, January 22, 2024

Book Release Day! No Gouda Without You by Me!

No Gouda Without You is officially available! It's a Kindle unlimited book so you can download it and check it out via your subscription!  It's also available as a Kindle for under $4 and you can also get it as a paperback! I'm nervous and excited! 

My goal was a book that was filled with Hallmark Vibes and showed life after cancer for someone who had cancer young  (ish). It's the first book in my small town romance series and I am having fun working on book two right now! 

Here is the Amazon link and the book's description below! 

She survived cancer. Can she survive risking her heart?

Having survived cancer, Nicole Garrett is determined to take care of herself by eating well, exercising, and avoiding stress. She’s got a stable job, good friends, and her own house, and that’s enough for her. Most importantly, Nicole isn’t going to take any risks that could leave her heartbroken again. But when she meets a handsome chef with the cutest dimples she’s ever seen, she begins to question if playing it safe is still working for her.

Sean Harper is the optimistic chef and owner of Jesse’s Pub. After two years of constant devotion, his restaurant is hitting its stride. He’s put every dollar and every hour he’s had into making it a success. Beyond the now positive balance sheet, it’s a way for him to distance himself from his own broken family, who’ve never seen his worth. Then one Sunday, he meets the attractive woman who dismisses his omelet culinary masterpiece, and he can't get her out of his mind, so much so that he starts questioning if he can make room for her in his kitchen.

She’s got plenty of reasons to be grumpy, and, frankly, relationships with men never end well for her, especially given the wounds she’s still healing from. Even though sparks fly between Nicole and Sean, he only has time for his farm-to-table restaurant. If he’s willing to change his view of marriage, can he convince her to open her heart and trust him in return?

No Gouda Without You is a small-town, life after cancer, grumpy-sunshine, steamy romance, featuring a chef who loves a good food pun and a school secretary who’s just trying to survive. Part of the Marley Creek Romance Series, this standalone story includes adventures at a local brewery, Hallmark movie vibes, and a guaranteed HEA. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Sunday Post- Not Sure How That Happened


The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly, or for a monthly wrap-up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme  

I wrote and published a whole Sunday post yesterday and then today I made a post for Tuesday and then I somehow managed to overwrite that post and accidentally post my Tuesday post this afternoon. Whoopsy. 

How was your week?  It was cold here and we had some more snow but not a bunch. This coming week it's supposed to be above freezing and I'm happy about that because on Tuesday I'm medically cleared to run again. Obviously, I'll need there to be snow and ice-free sidewalks. 

I've got two of my posts for this week done, one is for my own book release, No Gouda Without You, and another new release You Are Enough that will be out on Thursday. I also finished reading Between Mischief and Magic and I'll review that either Friday or Saturday. 

Have a great week!