Media & Sponsorship Kit

Who the heck am I?

I'm Victoria, writer of the Marley Creek Romance Series,  mom to college students, and wife to one husband. I read, I write and I run.  Most days I also cook.

My blog is focused on book reviews and my life.  When I share with my readers, I share my personal experiences and hopefully give them 'news they can use.'

Topics most discussed on my blog are:
Books reviews,
Writing romance books,
My life as someone who has been through Breast Cancer, 
Running and being a Charity Runner,
Recipes I've made. 

What I'm looking for...

I'm looking to partner with writers who need and want more readers. I'm happy to read your ARC and review here, and on Amazon and Goodreads.

I'm looking to partner with other bloggers and small business owners who'd like to promote their products via giveaways and/or discounts to my readers.
I am looking to promote an actual understanding of what having cancer means. None of that pink awareness stuff! 

What I offer...

My blog footprint is growing. At present, I have over  10,000 page views a month.  On X and threads I have over fifteen hundred followers. I'm also on Instagram and Facebook. I share what I love with passion and on every social media platform I use daily.

I provide sponsored posts, product reviews, giveaways, sidebar ad space, as well as, conference sponsoring opportunities.  I'm also open to ideas you might offer.

If you are interested in working with  First of me at

Thanks for your interest! I look forward to partnering with you!
Victoria Hamel.

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