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Showing posts with label #aldinerds. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2020

What I'm Up To This Week -Halloween Talk!


My favorite kinds of ravioli are back at Aldi! Yum! If you haven't tried these yet, go get some.  Pumpkin and Sage as well as Butternut Squash.  Trader Joe's has an Autumn Alfredo which is great with these or you can just use a little melted or browned butter. Delicious for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Thus far October weather has been very kind to those of us in Illinois. I am hoping this trend continues as it makes running outside so enjoyable. Based on my personal experience, I think people are really throwing themselves into decorating for Halloween this year and I am here for it! 

One of my goals this week is to make a lifesized scarecrow for our front porch.  My delay is really just a matter of stuffing. I think I can use old clothes in lieu of hay or straw. If I hold out making the scarecrow until I go find and purchase hay, I'm not going to get it done. 

Middle son has procured a temp job working for a drugstore chain, fortunately, they take mask-wearing very seriously--as a store with a pharmacy should. Note to self, remind said child to get his flu shot ASAP. 

What am I reading right now?  I'm finishing Emerald Blaze today and then I will have to wait for Ilona Andrews to write the third book in this trilogy! 

Then for the upcoming week, I'm reading witchy books--starting with One Dark and Stormy Knight: A Cozy Witch Mystery 

#FraterfestRAT !

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Let's talk about January in Chicago.

First and foremost, it usually lasts eight weeks. I know the calendar says it's only 31 days, but it feels like at least 60 days. AT LEAST.

Granted this year we have had a mild January to date, not much snow, temperatures during the day more often above freezing than below.  However, it's still cold, most often cloudy, and makes your bones weary.

January is not a time to roam these crowded streets with bare ankles, this is for sure. And yet, I see many of my fellow people, wearing cute shoes and sporting naked ankles.  Apparently, no one had a Grandma to tell them, "Wear heavy wool socks in January!  Don't you know that 70% of your body heat escapes from your ankles!"

What? Your Grandma didn't say that about ankles?

I want to say to these slightly short pants-wearing people, "Aren't your ankles cold?  Are you wearing no-show socks?  Don't you find that once you start walking, those little no-show socks slide down off your heels and get lodged in the arch of your foot making you not only cold but also uncomfortable?

I tell you what, you will not see my ankles until April.  It's all boots or low rise gym shoes with fuzzy socks between now and then. In fact, I just picked up a couple of new Valentine's Day fuzzy socks at Walgreens yesterday (2 for $3!).

Fuzzy socks are one of the best inventions of this century.  As I make my way through radiation, I try to wear a different pair each day. Since I have a hospital gown on, my socks and shoes are the only unique fashion features that the Radiation Therapists and Nurses see, so it gives us something to discuss besides the weather.  As I established at the beginning of this post, January stinks and who wants to talk about that when we can discuss how cute my fuzzy socks are and where did I get them?

Next week the Aldi Aisle of Surprises is featuring Valentine's Day! There should be a treasure trove of new socks for me to check out and most importantly, I want to get my hands on a pair of Valentine's Day-themed fleece leggings. They are the softest, most comfortable leggings around and they are only $7.99!  While Supplies Last!

Happy Thursday!

I officially am over 1/2 of with radiation therapy!!!