
Saturday, January 23, 2021

#TheSundayPost #Giveaways #Book, #BlueApron


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

How was your week?  I'm happy to report here in my neck of the woods, after days and days of cloudy skies, on Wednesday (Coincidence ?) we woke up to sunshine that lasted for a few days. Nothing like sunshine in the winter!  Wednesday was also the day that my bimonthly indulgence of Blue Apron arrived. I should have taken pictures of my meals to share here, but I didn't. The Hubs said they were delicious which was wonderful because he has been known to say things like "I think this food is too flavorful for me." What???? 

If you have ever wanted to try Blue Apron, I have some free meals. If you would like one, just use the contact me form on the right to email me, and then I can send you a link. I don't get any sort of referral money or anything, I just like to get Blue Apron once in a while, and when I do they give me links to give free meals to others. 

I'm happy to report that I finished the last of 5 medical appointments for the month of January and all my fingers and toes are crossed that I need no medical-related contact until the end of March when I have to schedule a follow-up CT Scan for routine surveillance.  It was nice to find out that at each of my appointments the medical staff had already had both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination.  Now I have to make a change to my hope of avoiding all medical stuff until the end of March--if I could get the vaccine--then I'm happy to go to the doctor. :-)  Other than the vaccine, I want to stay away from the land of white coats! 

Coming up this last week of January I will be -

*Reviewing Visions of Heat for the Read-Along I'm doing via the COYER Challenge

*Reviewing Killer Chardonnay our January Book for the Cozy Mystery Book Club

*Talking about Valentine's Day and other days of note in February!

How about you?  Tell me one good thing that has happened to you this week! 


  1. I've tried Blue Apron. There were some great meals. I'm glad you enjoyed yours. They definitely make dinner much easier. I've been wondering about how the meal delivery services were doing recently with all the mail delays and things.

  2. I love the sun in winter! Just seeing it shine and reflect off the snow covered ground, and having a blue sky even when it's freezing... and I hope your medical stuff goes well!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. @M. Ravenel, I did have an ingredient substitution and my meals showed up a day early- but I'd rather have it a day early than a day late!

  4. I'm glad you were able to do your appts and be finished. I haven't been doing any but tele visits until I need chiropratic help. The sun came out here on Wednesday also and it is great having adults in charge again. Stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. We have sun here too after weeks of rain, despite it being summer.
    Meal delivery services like Blue Apron don't suit our large family, but I do like concept. Prep takes forever some nights.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. We finally had some rain last night, which was much needed.

    Enjoy your sunshine, though; it is always welcome.

    Enjoy your books and your week, and thanks for visiting my blog. I like the look of your cozy mystery (Killer Chardonnay).

  7. I would like to try Blue Apron or another meal service sometime, but my husband thinks they're a waste. We do a tag team approach to meals and they usually turn out tasty.

    Glad to hear your medical appointments went well. I'm a healthcare worker at a hospital and I've both my Covid vaccines as well. It's nice I don't have to fight for it. I guess that's the perk of dealing with Covid day in and day out. Thankfully, before the vaccine I didn't get it. Have a lovely week!

  8. That's great about the medical appointments.

    I hope you have a great week!

  9. I had Hello Fresh for awhile but dropped it. I've been thinking about trying another meal service but haven't yet. I'm glad to hear you like Blue Apron and that your husband enjoyed it too! His comment made me laugh - partly because I can definitely see my husband saying the same thing. That's great about the staff having been vaccinated already. I can't wait till we are eligible and I'm really hoping the pediatric trials go smoothly because I really want my son to be vaccinated against it. Glad your appointments went well and have a great week!
